Lo and Behold, A Baby Griffon Dungeon Crawl
Genthus's head snapped upwards with force enough to gouge, his horns swooping around him. Eyes in an immediate squint, they scanned upward, pupils desperately trying to adjust to the openings above, trying to pull out shapes-

The sound of heavy footfalls off to his side would make his head whip again, harder, as his hand on his axe whipped it free, his other leveraging the bug's freshly-dead corpse so strongly that it crushed more carapace. A bird's head. A cat's body. Powerful wings. Sharp talons. Big paws. A beak the size of his forearm.

His body was moving before he could fully process what he was seeing, turning and breaking into a sprint. As the griffon took off, kill in tow, it would be chased in vain by a giant moron, axe aloft, shouting the first words to solidify in his mind. "It's real!" Even as it was, it was gone, and he was left trotting back down to a rest, lowering his axe and panting, staring up in wonder.

"Maker's breasts, they're real. Good work, you two!" Clapping both of the professors hard on their shoulders, Genthus would blink at the sound of crinkling; looking down, he'd find a piece of paper clinging to his boot, tattered and crumpled, likely whipped up by his run. Stooping down to peel it off, he'd glance over it. Outpost... mhm, mhm, Tevinter... ahhh, griffons indeed. He'd pat the page the back of a hand before pushing it into one of the professors' grasps. "The Imperium made their own challenges, it seems."

Little else could be said before Caro's instructions rang Genthus's ears and he was peeling off his armor just enough to free his own shirt, restrapping the leather over bare skin. Given his size, the fabric was plenty to bundle into a make-shift cushion, and with his axe shouldered and a quick spit to the side to clear his head, he was standing at the spot Caro instructed, arms and teeth creating a wide net of shirt, ready to catch their prize.

* Genthus now knows that fighting griffons is reality, not fantasy, and that's great
* Genthus stumbled over a journal page talking about how the griffons are a man-made species
* Genthus is ready to play the most conservationist-horror-story game of catch ever
Garryn watched as the last of the beetles fell, its body twitching in the throes of death. His companions, successfully triumphant, he scanned the area where the beetles had come from but felt confident it was the last of them. Then he knelt beside one of the fallen creatures, ignoring the Griffon that had taken off with one, since his tummy was more focused on the fallen beetles, his keen eyes catching the telltale crimson glow emanating from its carapace.

Red lyrium, he muttered, a mix of disappointment and caution coloring his voice. He poked the beetle's shell with the tip of his dagger, confirming his suspicion. His shoulders slumped slightly. He hadn’t noticed when the beetles had first appeared. Damn. No beetle stew tonight.

Garryn stood, shaking his head with a rueful smile. He had been looking forward to a hearty meal after the battle, but red lyrium made the beetles' meat toxic and deadly. With a final glance at the carcasses, he turned his attention back to the group, he wasn’t really sure what he should do to help, everyone seemed to be just getting on.

As he moved around he looked over to Dora. Find anything interesting? Garryn's eyes caught the corner of something partially buried under a collapsed beam. With a grunt, he shifted the wood aside, revealing a bundle of old, weathered papers. He carefully picked them up, scanning the fragile documents with growing interest.

Hey, this looks interesting, Garryn called out, his voice carrying across the space. I think I've found something. He scanned the documents, not making out everything, or making sense of a lot of it, but it looked like whatever Vint wrote them, wasn’t happy with the results of whatever was going on here. I don’t understand most of it, but they seem very unhappy with the results of what they were doing.

@Theodora Oridotti
Dora's eyes flickered from the tiger man, to the troubadour and the horned one now getting ready to play catch, but she did catch that the mage was a blood fucking mage. Another blood fucking mage was the last thing she needed in her life, calm yourself woman, not every blood mage in this fucking land is gunning to kill you. It only just seemed like it. Shaking her head at Garryn, she fished for something in her thigh pouch and pulled out a heavy chunk of venison jerky and handed it to the younger man. Here, I've got more, just don't down that in one bite, it'll knife your throat the entire way down, all the dry it is.

AS they came across the beam, she watched the man pick something up, and she herself picked up the next page -- it seemed like it was a journal -- there were a lot of journals here, it looked like. That meant that this place was probably some sort of research facility, right? An unfinished schematic of the internal workings of a specialized lever and something about time magic and a force field. The magic went over her head, but with the internal schematic...

Internal, not what the switch looked like. You two, hold up, there may be a way to turn all this off. she called to Caro and Genthus. Put ya shirt back on, big em. She walked over to the men, holding the page with her as she went, This say that's an incubation chamber for those eggies, so no eatin em Garryn. Those eggies were frozen with time magic, and there's a complex little bit of machinery around here that'll turn the force field off. Look for a switch. There ain't nothing on this page that tells me what the switch looks like, but it is a lever. No push buttons, so it'll have to be something that can move left and right or up and down in a fashion.

She was mulling over what was on the other pages, brain trying to put it all together. If they froze this batch, you think they're part of the ones they're saying they're unhappy about in this page? Or had they froze it in hopes of whatever happened to the others didn't happen to this batch..? That was for smarter brains than her own, the three f's and her own designs were as much as her brain could handle.

  • Dora is the group aunt and provided Garryn with a snack.
  • Dora was left with 5, the entry about forcefield, time magic, and a lever, she has altered the group to this after telling Caro and Genthus to not break the eggies.
  • She has wondered aloud, why this batch was frozen and if it was because they're also not what was expected.
Quinn lost interest in the parchments soon enough. Over handling would do the pages no favors if they thought to recover them for the researchers. He drifted over to Byrne and his qunari accomplice, joining them near the stasis field.

“I cannot help but think your plan is a little hasty, Caro.” What if he underestimated the field, or the integrity of the eggs? It would be a tragedy to splatter a heretofore thought extinct species all across the half-naked mercenary’s broad chest. Those eggs would be utterly unique, even if there were living griffons about as they had just seen.

How many griffon generations were there in a thousand years? How had the mass extinction event left the surviving stragglers?

The lady dwarf spoke a lot of sense. Quinn left the two Salamanders to their own devices and took up the search for the lever. It was difficult to sense the old magic beneath the noise of Caro’s spells and those of the two Tevene mages. It was weak, and more than a little alien, flowing from beneath the nest under the floor to one of the walls.

Quinn brushed his fingers over the lever, recoiling as it toggled easily. This was, perhaps, also rather hasty. He turned, glancing from the nest to Dora.

“I hope not.”

  • Quinn agrees that maybe we shouldn’t shoot eggs at unknown speed out of the stasis bubble and into Genthus' tits.
  • He finds and pulls the lever.
The lever is pulled and eggs start to hatch at a rapid rate, as the magic dissipates...

Roll a 1d20 to get your griffon — there are 10 eggs available, you can find one subtype, no repeats. If you get a repeat, roll again.

1 or 11. Seaspray griffon. Osprey head, jaguar body, webbed toes fisher griffon, seaside coves

2 or 12. Mountain griffon, standard griffon, eagle head lion body, high mountain eyries

3 or 13. Desert Griffon, Buzzard head caracal body, antlion style nests, hunt camels and humans

4 or 14. Skyheart Griffon : Falcon head, leopard body. Fast af, eats other birds primarily, long traversal kinda frail

5 or 15. Bloodbelly griffon. Puma body, red tailed hawk face, claws and tail. Deciduous forests, brachiate and fly evenly, hunt moose and elk.

6 or 16. Stillwater griffons. Heron beak and fishing cat body. Swim and skulks swamps, hunt alligators.

7 or 17. Jungle Griffon. Golden eagle heads, tiger body. Hunts apes, brachiates and has bladed wing segments to cut through underbrush and vines.

8 or 18. Tundra griffon : white raven head, snow leopard body, burrow under snow and ambush. Hunts bears and moose.

9 or 19. Savannah Griffon: Cheetah body, secretary bird head, front legs, and tail. Sprint fliers that hunt herd animals on open plains. Nest in scrub trees and rocky outcroppings. Slim and swift, not as physically strong as other griffons. Smallest griffon variant, roughly the size of a horse.

10 or 20. Duskwing Griffon: Horned owl head, bobcat body, broad wings compared to a small body. Soundless flying, with night vision and heads capable of rotating all the way around. One of the smaller griffon species, hunts at night amongst temperate forests and hills.

As soon as you approach your baby griffon, it will imprint. Like a baby animal does. So if your character is not receiving a griffon ICly, do not roll and do not approach a baby. c: They'll be packaged into travel carriers by the Professors, which will hinder imprinting on those who are not being claimed so that they'll be available for everyone else to attempt to bond with later.
The ancient Tevene magic sputtered out, an unpleasant and gritty feeling like something crumbling ashes in the palm of your hand. Perhaps it would have failed soon without their intervention. That was a slightly comforting thought as the stasis field flickered and died.

The eggs were alive. And hatching. It went terribly fast.

Quinn knelt next to the nest, watching as the first egg began to crack and fragment. The creature inside seemed energetic and strong, peeping as it began to free itself.

It … Well, it had the awkward look of all baby birds. Utterly black eyes accented with dark markings that tapered off down the neck, a light gray fuzz over the rest of the skin. The black-fuzzed hindquarters of a cat. Open, curved beak as it turned its head this way and that, staring at him.

Quinn shrugged off his cloak, unsure how to touch the creature without hurting it.

“What– What do we do now?”

  • Quinn rolled a 1, imprinting with a Seaspary Griffon!
  • Help – he doesn’t know how to be a bird-cat dad.
Caro was both relieved and disappointed to see the magical barrier fail. He was certain his plan would have produced at least a salvageable result. And if it didn't it would have clearly been Genthus's fault. There's a special kind of red faced shame that comes with drastically overthinking an easy task. Like being caught trying to burn out slices of bread with a flaming stick when you have a knife on your belt. Ingenuity and reason meeting at a stark crossroads and deciding that they'll never speak another word to each other. So it goes. He had already grabbed an egg with the hungry earth, might as well let it make it's full trip to him uninterrupted.

Quinn rushed forward, but Caro simply sat crosslegged on the ground and pulled the torso sized egg into his lap. He could feel shifting and bulging within the leathery ovoid. The shape of the egg distorted slightly at one point, stopping for a few moments before starting again. Caro stared a moment his head cocked sideways before drawing a dagger from his belt and lightly scoring the egg over that spot in a now white x pattern. Eventually a pearl white egg tooth peaked through a tiny opening, followed eventually by tiny, shaking head covered with sparse white, hairlike pinions. It's beak opened in a silent cry, then it retreated back into it's shell a moment.

It would be fine for a day or so as is. Enough yolk in that russet lined egg shell for it's first couple meals, but food would soon be an issue. Judging by the flyby above and the surrounding area goat would be the primary food. Easy enough to gather from the sky, but more difficult in a caravan. He hadn't had time to dig into the primer he had found earlier on care but it looked it he had no choice to power through it, preservation be damned. “Genthus, you see any game trails on the way up here?” he called, his eyes still staring down at the now curled form still resting inside the egg. He cocked his head as it feel asleep and whispered “Remora” to himself
  • Tldr
  • Caro has overthought a door perhaps more than most could feasibly
  • Caro has begun to hyperfocus on this baby
  • Caro is worried about goat availability
  • Caro rolled a 2, acquiring a Mountain Griffon baby
As the barrier dissipated, Genthus’s arms could be seen dropping, the hem of his shirt still in his mouth as he slumped. Dora’s instructions to slip his shirt back on, though unwelcome, were nonetheless obeyed grumbling and shuffling, gruff movements undoing his armor and removing his axe long enough for the fabric to find its way back down as the bottom-most layer on his upper body. He’d been excited, damnit. What fun was there in mechanisms?

”Spoilsport…” Reshouldering his weapon as he drew near, Genthus would bend down to inspect the nest, humming at Dora’s question. ”Horrific beasts, do you think? Maybe they weren’t big enough. Why else-” Genthus’s voice would cut off in a grunt as something would hit his face, causing another grumble and a snap of his head. The projectile, a tiny piece of egg shell, would tumble from his shirt as, just off one side of the nest, a round, sharp little beak hammered out from its ovular prison. Where one might have expected a gentle coo or a cute cheep came a low, ponderous hoot, then the beak would disappear to do it again elsewhere.

By the time Genthus picked up the egg, the top would be hanging on by a thread. A final barrage of its beak would send the half of the shell flopping forward onto Genthus’s forearm. What greeted him was… not what he expected. Massive yellow eyes, wide and dilated, latched to his as that same beady black beak snapped idly, freeing itself of the last of the egg shards clinging to it. Brown fur betrayed little black spots, all peach fuzz beneath an uneven-but-impressive puff of baby down feathers across its face, eyes recessed and the focus. A feline paw, stout but sturdy, would testingly reach out of the shell’s bottom half over the lip, almost testing the air, before a wing would follow. As it extended, it was clear that the thing was longer than the griffon was, maybe by double.

After a moment’s silence, Genthus would blink and gaze down, first to Caro’s, then to Quin’s. Hefting his own griffon, he’d point at it with his free hand. ”See? They're all runts, this one's face is even all misshapen.” The moist owlette, almost as if sensing his comment, would let out an uncertain little hoot, scanning down from atop his hand as it took in the world in its first moments.

* Genthus was looking forward to the eggcatch Olympic trials, alas
* Genthus is not giving this quite the gravitas the others might be
* Genthus got an owl griffon, that is hilarious and provides future opportunities for fun
Garryn stood back, watching with a mixture of awe and apprehension as the others in his group worked together to bring down the magical barrier. Their combined efforts were impressive, and when the barrier finally dissolved, he felt a surge of cautious optimism. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, his eyes widening as he approached the eggs.

They were massive, far larger than any eggs he had ever seen before. Each one gleamed with a strange, ethereal light, their surfaces smooth and cool to the touch. Garryn wasn’t entirely sure what he had been expecting to find, but the sight of these enormous eggs hatching right in front of them was certainly not on his list.

As he cautiously approached one of the eggs, he watched in fascination as it began to crack. The shell splintered with a series of sharp, clear sounds, and within moments, a creature began to emerge. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, its eyes wide and curious, locking onto Garryn with an intensity that made his heart skip a beat.

The creature that hatched before him had the body of a baby cheetah, sleek and agile, though currently more awkward than agile like it would be when it grows up. Its head, was clearly bird-like, but Garryn couldn’t place what type of bird, with piercing eyes and a crown of brand new baby feathers. The contrast was striking, and Garryn felt a strange connection form between them almost instantly.

The griffon seemed almost instantly enamored with him, and Garryn felt a strange connection form between them. He reached out hesitantly, his fingers brushing against its soft, warm feathers and smooth fur. The griffon cooed softly, nuzzling against his hand in a way that made his heart swell with a mix of wonder and uncertainty.

He looked around at the others, his expression a mixture of amazement and confusion. What do we do now? he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of nervous laughter. The griffon, now fully hatched, clung to him, its small claws digging into his shirt as it settled into his arms.


He followed the others into the barrier when it went down and stood before one of the hatching eggs, the egg that hatched in front of him is a Savannah Griffon. He has no idea wtf he’s going to do, only that he’s determined to be a good bird-cat dad.
Aye, I'm sorry about it, She tells Genthus, with a small smile. Or if you like, we can spar later. After all, it would be good for her to go up against another axe user, that could be really fun. But once they were done with this business. I'm sure the magic would have gotten it done in another snap too if Mister Frey here hadn't found the switch. Thank you for that, as well, Frey. Theo nodded gently to the man and to Caro.

One by one she watched the men she was with find little griffons hatching, the little ones seeming to imprint almost immediately -- she needed to be careful then, she didn't fancy being something's mother, just yet -- she had a good little bit longer before she would be ready, and besides she had all manner of things that she was going to need to take care of here soon enough. A heart, a wedding, possibly getting her stall up and running down in Kirkwall -- she wouldn't have time to watch after one of these ugly little creatures. The dwarf was going to turn around and walk from the room, to get out before something imprinted on her, that was until she caught sight of the two large round voids circled in nearly electric green staring up at her, unblinking for a moment, a bird like head swaying side to side as it tried to size her up.

Stone, the damned thing still had a cute little egg tooth, and the little pinions around it's crest made it look like it would have a little mane too. Fuck. Well, it looked like she was going to have a wee one to take care of as well. She didn't feel any huge surge of protectiveness, or maternal instinct, more that she knew that birds imprinted on the first thing they saw, and it would be cruel not to care for something that needed to be cared for. She hoped that it would come to her later, because she knew that responsibility was now on her. Alright ya little fucker, come here then, let's see you properly.

Dora scooted down on her bottom and pulled the egg closer to her, as she went to get her thumbs under the hatchling's front legs, happy that it didn't struggle as the cat like body followed, and she deposited the animal down into her lap. You grow into that tail and you're gonna be a big thing aren't you, and these paws.. Dora tugged her glove off, and the moment her fingertip felt the soft pad on a large paw, her features softened some. Ya better be thankful you're so ugly you've circled back around to adorable. She rolled the bird-cat over on it's back and settled it into the crook of her arm. She listened to the questions of what was next, and honestly, she didn't have any good ideas but she knew one thing for certain, she and Garynn would need to get back to their side of the world soon. They had a long horse ride back home.

We should probably get out of this area, after we get the rest of these packed up. There's still the adults around, and if they catch the scent of this batch hatching, well, do they kill other nests or will they try and fold them into their own broods like the mabari sometimes do?

  • Dora offers a spar to Genthus, compliments Caro's magic, and thanks Quinn for finding the switch.
  • She questions if she should stick around for something to imprint on her, and ends up being imprinted upon by a Skyheart Griffon.
  • No maternal instinct yet, but she knows responsibility when it comes knocking, and .. the more she looks at it, the little stinker is kind of cute.
  • She doesn't know what to do either, but reckons they need to get out of the area, because the adults might try to come and claim the little ones.
Griffon Personalities: These are just to give players a starting point with their griffons!

Skyheart Griffon (@Theodora Oridotti): Playful and Curious: Always up for an adventure, this griffon has a mischievous streak and a boundless curiosity about the world. It’s known for its playful antics and often gets into trouble while exploring new places. Arrogant
Savannah Griffon (@Garryn Aeducan): Noble and Regal: With a commanding presence and a noble demeanor, this griffon exudes authority and grace. It holds itself with dignity and expects the same from those it interacts with. Abrasive
Duskwing Griffon (@Genthus): Wise and Mysterious: With a gaze that pierces through time, this griffon possesses ancient knowledge and a penchant for cryptic riddles. Its silence is as profound as its wisdom, offering guidance only to those truly deserving. Manipulative
Mountain Griffon (@Caro Byrne): Loyal and Protective: Fiercely devoted to its companions, this griffon is a steadfast guardian. It will go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of those it considers family. Impulsive
Seaspray Griffon (@Quintilian Frey): Cunning and Strategic: This griffon excels in planning and strategy, always thinking several steps ahead. Its keen intellect and sharp wit make it a formidable opponent in any conflict. Petty
Desert Griffon (Up For Adoption): Gentle and Nurturing: Known for its soft heart and caring nature, this griffon is a nurturing presence. It often helps heal wounds, both physical and emotional, with its soothing demeanor. Vindictive
Bloodbelly Griffon (Up For Adoption): Adventurous and Brave: Fearless in the face of danger, this griffon thrives on thrilling quests and daring exploits. Its bravery is matched only by its enthusiasm for discovering the unknown. Indifferent
Stillwater Griffon (Up For Adoption): Solitary and Reflective: Preferring solitude, this griffon spends much of its time in quiet contemplation. It values its alone time for introspection and personal growth, only seeking company when absolutely necessary. Overly Critical
Jungle Griffon (Up For Adoption): Energetic and Enthusiastic: Bursting with energy and excitement, this griffon approaches every task with enthusiasm. Its infectious zeal can lift the spirits of everyone around it, making it a joy to be around. Insecure
Tundra Griffon (Up For Adoption): Stubborn and Determined: Once this griffon sets its mind on something, nothing can deter it. Its relentless determination often leads it to success, though it may sometimes cause friction with others. Pessimistic