Seizing the Moment... Finally
The ceremony had gone off without a hitch despite Megara’s sudden last minute change. Ruth was forever grateful he’d been able to hide what emotion swelled in his chest when walking her down the aisle to Nairn. The sun lenses masked the tears brimming and once he’d put Meg’s hand in Nairn’s the elf would hastily stand beside Haulean and Dora, muttering under his breath for both of them to utter not a word. He wasn’t able to string a full sentence together until it was over and even then Ruth had deliberately stayed back to numb himself. His body felt off, head itching for a fix with the pressure put on him. The sly little witch had pulled a fast one and Ruth was determined to make her pay for it somehow.

Of course Dora had to interrupt him, only being able to take half a snort of the dust line before hastily brushing the remainder back into the tin. The back of his hand rubbed away what dust remained around his nose, the hit of lyrium not kicking in as usual, but Ruth ignored it. They’d walk to the party, following behind the newlyweds and once there, the elf disappeared to grab a few drinks, tanking one immediately before returning to the dwarf at the edge to watch the couple dance. He hadn’t seen Mina yet, but there was plenty time to track down his invited distraction.

Once again, I was right. he began, offering her a pint. Didn’t need that forge afterall and… I suppose you made a better flower girl than I did. Shrugging his shoulders he’d look over to the two slow dancing with a sigh, pleased that nothing and no-one had come to screw up the ceremony. Everyone thinks she’s so nice, but you were there, she’s a proper conniving little minx when she wants to be. He was jesting, but being put on the spot for such an important role had obviously unsettled Ruth, believing himself to be unworthy of such an honour.

@Theodora Oridotti

Messages In This Thread
Seizing the Moment... Finally - by Megara Neirdre - 08-01-2024, 08:40 AM
RE: Seizing the Moment... Finally - by Ruth Yoesif - 08-09-2024, 03:36 PM