There, in that small gesture of running a hand through his hair, was another mannerism she recognised. Ruth did the exact same thing when frustrated, causing a slight smile to break across her face, even as Kellam matched Ruth’s tone of retort.
His expression caused her head to to tilt slightly, observing and meeting his flickering gaze and meeting whatever defiance and audacity head on. Sylaise brimmed against the surface, one eye beginning to deepen in colour as the Ancient soul asserted herself. She would not allow this Keeper to besmirch her student unchallenged.
Instead of anger though, Megara reached out with kindness, reaching out to take his hand to squeeze.
After a brief moment she withdrew her hand, returning it to her lap with a few nods.
@Kellam Yoesif
Some,she snorted,
I wouldn’t be in the position that I am if I lied so casually. Grief though, can blind even the best of us, but it is a cloak meant to be shrugged off in time, not wallowed in. That only leads to madness, and I don’t think you are quite mad. Misguided, misunderstood and, quite frankly, difficult.Megara chuckled, though it lacked her usual jovality,
Just like your son.
His expression caused her head to to tilt slightly, observing and meeting his flickering gaze and meeting whatever defiance and audacity head on. Sylaise brimmed against the surface, one eye beginning to deepen in colour as the Ancient soul asserted herself. She would not allow this Keeper to besmirch her student unchallenged.
Instead of anger though, Megara reached out with kindness, reaching out to take his hand to squeeze.
I lost someone precious once. Quite honestly I have lost nearly everyone in my life that I cared about. I watched Kirkwall explode, dug through rubble and bodies to try and find them. Do you know who got me through it? Ruth. Past the sass and defiance is Amara’s heart, her kindness, her light and magic survives and lives in him.
After a brief moment she withdrew her hand, returning it to her lap with a few nods.
No, but unfortunately for him, he owes me a number of favours that I refuse to let him shirk. Only time and genuine participation will begin to smooth the ruff, I don’t expect you both to be singing each others praises overnight. The Path of Peace is no easy road, Sylaise and I can assure you of that.
@Kellam Yoesif
08-10-2024, 05:04 PM