Cat's Cradle
Tiberius took the seat, shifting his attention back to Arvina. As much as he was trying to minimize his prejudices, they were muffled yet still loud in his head. This office had endorsed a number of personal ills. The barrier that kept him locked out of the country. The fall of House Pavus. A midnight raid upon his own home.

Whether this position for Lyric would be number among them remained to be seen – but Tiberius Umbra had the feel of being measured for a collar himself. How strange. How much could be pinned on the title itself, and how much the man? Mal was afraid of or for him, Tiberius wasn’t sure which.

“Wine for breakfast, my Lord? Well, I won't refuse.” At least there was one minor victory to be had. Arvina apparently favored this wine enough to serve it to himself. House Umbra’s sommelier would consider that knowledge a major coup. Perhaps they’d even serve it at the wedding reception.

“All is well, thank you.” Silence for a beat, with the Archon and his cat both staring at him. A bit strange – he wondered if the animal was spelled in any way. This individual cat seemed familiar, perhaps he’d seen it at the ball.

Caretaker of the Cats, or somesuch. It had the ring of a vanity title, like Keeper of the Imperial Consort’s Swans. If it wasn’t for poor Elaria, Tiberius wouldn’t have thought of it as a dangerous position at all.

“May I be so bold as to ask after the catnappers? I find the matter is suddenly dear to my heart.”

@Demetrius Arvina

Messages In This Thread
Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 07-23-2024, 03:54 PM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 08-06-2024, 08:47 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 08-13-2024, 09:41 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 08-15-2024, 05:13 PM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 10-03-2024, 10:24 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 10-14-2024, 12:45 PM