Cat's Cradle
Demetrius’s expression shifted subtly as he took in Tiberius’s inquiry, the slight arch of an eyebrow hinting at his thoughts. With a deliberate, practiced motion, he reached for the bottle of Antivan wine, pouring a glass for Tiberius. The wine flowed smoothly into the glass, a deep crimson against the polished marble of the desk. Demetrius handed the glass to Tiberius, his gaze never wavering from the magister’s face, as if gauging his reaction to every small gesture.

The catnappers, yes. They are indeed a peculiar group, originating from the depths of Orlais—an eccentric cult, really. Their obsession with felines borders on the fanatical, to the point where they believe these creatures are conduits for some sort of ancient, mystical power. Ridiculous, perhaps, but fanatics have a way of making the absurd seem all too real.

He set his own glass down gently, the sound almost imperceptible against the marble desk. This cult seeped into Tevinter shortly before the barrier was erected five years ago. They were quiet at first, biding their time, likely thinking they had all the time in the world to enact whatever bizarre rituals they had planned. The barrier, however, complicated their movements, isolating them in a land where their influence could not grow unchecked.

Demetrius leaned forward slightly, his gaze sharpening. But with the barrier down, they grew bold. They saw an opportunity and believed they could act without consequence, perhaps even believing the Imperium would be too distracted to notice their petty thefts. They underestimated us, of course. We are not so easily deceived or distracted.

Little Mal stretched on the windowsill, his gaze flicking between the two men as if sensing the weight of the conversation. Demetrius allowed himself a brief moment of indulgence, watching the cat before returning his focus to Tiberius.

Rest assured, Magister Umbra, this cult is being dealt with. Their actions will not go unpunished. But tell me, what do you think? Does the idea of a group so absurdly fixated on our feline companions strike you as a mere oddity, or do you see something more in their audacity?

Demetrius’s question was laced with a deeper meaning, probing at whether Tiberius saw the catnappers as a genuine threat or just another curiosity in a land already teeming with them.

@Tiberius Umbra

Messages In This Thread
Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 07-23-2024, 03:54 PM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 08-06-2024, 08:47 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 08-13-2024, 09:41 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 08-15-2024, 05:13 PM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Tiberius Umbra - 10-03-2024, 10:24 AM
RE: Cat's Cradle - by Demetrius Arvina - 10-14-2024, 12:45 PM