And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.
Rian looked down at the hand Ely had placed on his arm, feeling a warmth that contrasted with the cold fear gnawing at his insides. Her attempt at humor, though subtle, brought a faint smile to his lips—something he hadn’t felt since the bite. He appreciated her straightforwardness, the way she didn’t dance around the truth. It was a quality he had always admired in her.

Thank you, Ely, he said, his voice soft but sincere. Your honesty... it’s exactly what I needed right now. I can handle the truth, even if it’s hard to hear.

He listened as she offered to help, her words giving him a sliver of hope. Potions to tame the beast within him—he’d take any help he could get. And the fact that she was willing to do this without expecting anything in return, it touched him in a way he hadn’t expected.

I’d really appreciate that, he replied, nodding at her offer to research more about his condition. If there’s anything out there that could help me keep control, I want to know about it. And don’t worry—I won’t forget this. I owe you, more than I can put into words.

Her promise not to tell anyone was a relief, though he had never doubted her discretion. Rian knew how much trust she valued, and the fact that she was willing to keep his secret meant more to him than he could express.

We’re in this together, then, he said, meeting her eyes with a determined gaze. I won’t let this... thing control me. And I’ll make sure that no one ever has to pay for what’s happening to me.

He hesitated for a moment, then added, You’ve always had my back, Ely. I’m not sure I deserve it, but I’m grateful. More than you know.

The bond between them felt stronger than ever, forged in the fires of this new, terrifying reality. Whatever came next, Rian knew he wouldn’t face it alone—and that made all the difference.

@Aelynthi Loraronna

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RE: And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars. - by Rian Bradigan - 08-17-2024, 01:52 PM