Meetings and Open Office Hours
Deme's laugh bubbled up like a cork popping from a well-shaken bottle of champagne, his eyes wide with a mischievous glint. He clapped his hands together, the sound echoing around the grand chamber as if he were calling for the next act in a particularly whimsical performance. His mood suddenly taking a bit of a turn towards the whimsical, something that was becoming all too commonplace.

Oh, Malik, my dear, dependable Malik! Deme exclaimed, his voice laced with a peculiar mix of fondness and eccentricity. He twirled on the spot, his robes flaring out around him like the petals of an extravagant flower. You speak of burdens and responsibilities with such solemnity, but don't you see? It's all a dance, a game of ever-shifting pieces on this grand chessboard we call the Realm!

Deme paused, his head tilting to the side as if he were listening to some unseen orchestra playing a particularly jaunty tune. His eyes, normally sharp and calculating, sparkled with an almost childlike glee.

He strode across the room with a spring in his step, reaching out to clasp Malik's shoulder with surprising warmth. You worry too much, my dear boy. The Realm's prosperity, the safety of its people—all those grand notions! Of course, they are important, but let us not forget to enjoy the ride! He waggled a finger at Malik, as if scolding a child for taking life too seriously. After all, what is the point of power if we don't have a little fun with it?

Deme spun away again, this time heading toward a table covered in maps and scrolls, all meticulously arranged in a way that only made sense to him. He hovered over them like a mad scientist pondering his latest invention, his fingers tapping a rhythm on the tabletop. Now, about that schedule, he said, his tone suddenly shifting to one of intense focus. There is something coming up that requires your... unique talents. A little... something that needs a touch of subtlety, a dash of discretion, and perhaps, just a hint of chaos.

He looked up, meeting Malik's gaze with a grin that was equal parts cunning and madness. Oh yes, my dear Malik, you will be *most* essential for this. But worry not, we'll make sure you're well-prepared. After all, what good is a game if the pieces aren't ready to play?

Deme grabbed the glass of wine he had poured for Malik earlier, thrusting it into his hand with a flourish. Drink up, my boy! To the Realm, to our grand dance, and to the next thrilling chapter in our delightful little story! He raised his own glass, his eyes gleaming with the excitement of a man who saw the world as one giant, never-ending adventure.

And remember, Malik, Deme added with a wink, in this game, we're not just playing to win. We're playing to have the most *fun* along the way!

@Malik Vrai

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Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Malik Vrai - 06-17-2024, 11:19 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 06-18-2024, 11:26 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 07-08-2024, 09:23 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 08-21-2024, 07:42 AM