Activity Check #22 - August 2024
ACTIVITY CHECK #22 - July 22nd - August 31st 2024:
This AC requires at least 1  post from all characters. Please note that we will be marking inactive characters who do not meet this goal, though their accounts will remain onsite for 6 months before deletion. You can read up on our activity rules here

Your post(s) must fall in the month of August, 2024. Please fill out all of your character's in one single post, you can come back and edit later. 

If you just had a character approved this month they are exempt from AC, but it would help our record keeping if you could still post to the AC, just basically the character name and that they were just approved during August.

UPDATE!!! New Activity Check Rules!!!:
New Skip Policy
You have 4 skips per year to use, you can only use one skip every four months, if you miss more than that, the staff team will check in with you to see if you're still interested in writing with us, and we may require you to lower your character count until you can prove your activity.

New Character Labels
We have done away with the terms, primary and secondary characters. We still have two types of characters on site. Major Characters and Supporting Characters. While all characters are responsible for one post a month to cover Activity Check. Those with Major Characters have a little more to take into consideration.

Major Characters are directly important to site plots. Some examples of this type of character would be:
*Kings/Queens/Rulers of Kingdoms
*High House leaders in Tevinter
*Leaders of major/large organisations.
(So Demetrius Arvina, Archon of Tevinter is a Major Character, while Madeline Wulff, Arlessa of a small town in Ferelden would not count as one.) As far as what constitutes a major/large organisation it would depend on what larger site plots the organisation you’re leading is into. While the Forsaken is a tiny organisation located in a single city, the leader would be considered supporting, but the leader of say, the Vultures, that operates in all of Antiva and is actively both trying to take down the Crows and support the royal family, would be considered major.

Only two major characters allowed per player, more can be acquired through gold and consistent roleplaying with your existing characters.

Supporting Characters are characters that do not directly impact important site plots. These are primarily characters whose plot development only impacts the roleplayer’s stories.

Activity Expectations for Major Characters

We do have more expectations of activity put on Major Characters, simply because these characters directly impact board plots. This is a bit more objective compared to our old Activity Check rules, but we feel it will better foster board-wide activity for everyone involved. Players are only allowed two major characters,

*Participate in a quest or event, whether it’s IC or OOC or both, every 3 months. This can mean by participating directly in an event, or perhaps running small quests ideas for the area/organisation in question.
*To run a kingdom or organisation major event every 6 months
*Consistently meeting Activity Check requirements

If you're on this list but would still like to post, by no means are we stopping you! You're on this list because you have posted an absence or reached out to staff stating you won't be able to post to AC this month. If you are not on this list and need to be, please just DM me and I can add you. Please keep in mind two things. One, you must ask for a skip no later than the 26th of each month. Two, you only have four skips to use in a year, if you find yourself needing to use some in a row, then we'll need to discuss putting you on official hiatus.
  • Fromikeable
  • Anyone currently on Hiatus

Characters That Need a Post Per Our Records
Going through our records, these are the characters that still need to post in order to pass AC. If I missed someone, or added someone that shouldn't be on there, or got the post count wrong, just DM me. I do this at like 3am, so I'm bound to make mistakes, lol.  If your character just got accepted this month, they will not appear here, but please still post with them stating they are new and therefore don't need posts yet.
  • Byron
  • Rahse
  • Iggy
  • Tacitus
  • Nyllian
  • Ceren
  • Mazikeen
  • Haulean
  • Revas

[size=medium][b]CHAR NAME[/b][/size]
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Messages In This Thread
Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Bach - 08-22-2024, 08:47 AM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Neology - 08-22-2024, 08:54 AM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Bach - 08-22-2024, 10:47 AM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Vic - 08-22-2024, 01:55 PM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Ivy - 08-23-2024, 10:50 AM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Meira - 08-24-2024, 04:45 PM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Drake - 08-30-2024, 11:37 PM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Tink - 08-31-2024, 06:40 PM
RE: Activity Check #22 - August 2024 - by Vharlin - 09-01-2024, 03:56 PM