That’s the price of secrecy
Shenanigans will ensue, no telling how crazy it could get
Horus listened closely to Ruth's tale, his grin fading as the story unfolded. The mention of the Grey Wardens and the way things had escalated clearly didn’t sit well with him. He knew Ruth was no stranger to trouble, but losing an eye? That was something else entirely.

Damn, mate, Horus muttered, leaning back with a grim look on his face. Wardens really are a bloody nightmare. Sorry you had to go through that. And all over a library? Who knew books could be so dangerous. He tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but the concern in his eyes remained.

He could see the weariness in Ruth’s gaze, the way he tried to brush it off like it was nothing. Horus knew better. He’d been around long enough to recognize when someone was carrying a heavier burden than they let on. But he also knew when to give a friend space, so he didn’t press the issue further.

Instead, he raised his mug in response to Ruth’s toast, the corners of his mouth quirking up into a more genuine smile. Aye, to smoother sailing ahead. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll actually get through this adventure without any more bad luck following us around.

Horus took a long drink, savoring the familiar burn of the rum as it slid down his throat. But you’re right, we’ve got enough to deal with without dwelling on the past. So let’s focus on the here and now—solving this mystery, finding that wreck, and maybe uncovering a bit of treasure along the way. Who knows? Maybe this will be the break we’ve both been waiting for.

He flashed a grin at Ruth, the spark of excitement returning to his eyes. And hey, if those Wardens decide to stick their noses in our business again, well… we’ll just have to show ‘em why they should’ve stayed out of it. Between the two of us, I reckon we can handle just about anything they throw our way.

Horus leaned back, feeling the familiar rush of anticipation that always came before a big adventure. The map before them, the promise of danger and discovery—it was all he needed to shake off the gloom that had settled over their conversation. And he knew Ruth felt the same. They were in this together, as always, ready to face whatever the world threw at them.

Now then, he said, his tone brightening as he clapped Ruth on the shoulder. Let’s finish these drinks, get this plan sorted, and see where the night takes us. With any luck, we’ll have some answers before the sun comes up. And if not… well, at least we’ll have a damn good time trying.

@Ruth Yoesif

Messages In This Thread
That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 06-18-2024, 11:33 AM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 06-25-2024, 02:44 PM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 07-02-2024, 08:06 AM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 07-08-2024, 09:24 AM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 08-06-2024, 08:50 AM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 08-12-2024, 03:15 PM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 08-22-2024, 05:15 PM
RE: That’s the price of secrecy - by Horus - 10-14-2024, 01:27 PM