Asha'bellanar Mac Tir
Lost Teenager
Current Location: Nomadic, but is currently sticking around Kirkwall, Free Marches
Love Interest: Open, but there is a want ad for Wren, someone they met while a captive of the Eth
Link to Profile: @Asha'bellenar Mac Tir
Current Plots: Past Thread, baking a cake with @Rosalie Rutherford. Meeting @Haulean Oruven. Meeting @Eithne whom she doesn't know yet is actually her sister. Meeting @Abelen.
Upcoming plots: Reuniting with family
WANTED Ads: - Want ad for her love interest, Wren
Pets: Pet pug named Mr. Puggles that was necromanced back to life
Brief About:
Asha is a young woman marked by a life full of extraordinary challenges, from a magical coma to captivity and the loss of her father. Despite these hardships, she remains resilient, friendly, and empathetic, always striving to make the best out of difficult situations. She is highly creative, with a passion for scrapbooking, tattoos, and animals, and a deep love for learning and music. Asha’s strong sense of justice and loyalty drives her to stand up for others, even as she struggles with the fear of disappointing those she loves, particularly her demanding mother.
Asha is compassionate and determined, using her experiences to fuel her growth and help others. However, she grapples with feelings of inadequacy and fear, often masking her inner struggles with a cheerful exterior. Her fears are rooted in the expectations placed upon her and the potential loss of loved ones, which pushes her to strive for perfection and protect those she cares about. Asha's connection to the spirit world, developed during her coma, adds a unique dimension to her character, providing her with rare insights and abilities but also burdening her with the weight of the Fade's influence.
Ultimately, Asha is a complex individual balancing her inner turmoil with outward positivity, determined to forge her own path while living up to the legacy of her parents.
09-06-2024, 11:31 AM