Branson Rutherford
Full Time Father, Part Time Hunter
Current Location: Ferelden
Love Interest: Open
Link to Profile: @Branson Rutherford
Current Plots: Reuniting with @Rosalie Rutherford
Upcoming plots: Trying to be a single dad and reconnection with family
WANTED Ads: None
Pets: A Ferelden Wolf Hound named Riley
Brief About:
Branson Rutherford is a resilient and compassionate individual, shaped by his extensive travels and personal losses. His alignment as Neutral Good reflects his deep moral convictions and empathy, especially towards the vulnerable and oppressed. Despite the pain and guilt stemming from the loss of his beloved Liora in Tevinter, Branson remains a dependable protector and steadying force in his family’s life. His adaptability and resourcefulness, honed through years of exploration, make him a versatile figure who balances his adventurous spirit with his responsibilities as a father and brother.
Branson's weaknesses include emotional guardedness and an overprotectiveness towards his son, driven by his fear of losing loved ones and a sense of inadequacy. His tendency to shoulder burdens alone and his internal conflict between his sense of duty and desire for adventure contribute to his emotional complexity. Branson's likes and dislikes further define him: he enjoys exploration, storytelling, and family time, while disliking oppression, dishonesty, and constraint. His phobias—fear of losing loved ones, fear of not being good enough, and claustrophobia—reveal the internal struggles that he faces as he navigates the balance between his personal desires and familial responsibilities.
09-07-2024, 12:56 PM