A Wild Bach Has Appeared
Rafael Acosta
Unknown Heir to the Second Talon

Current Location: Antiva
Love Interest: Ship with @Adaria Campana
Link to Profile: @Rafael Acosta

Current Plots: Hanging out with @Adaria Campana.

Upcoming plots: Ship and Antivan intrigue with Adaria Campana
WANTED Ads: None
Pets: Chichi mix named Rory

Brief About:
Rafael, the second son of the Second Talon of the Antivan Crows, was sent away for his safety to be raised by the noble Acosta family, far from the dangerous world of assassins. Leandro Acosta, a stern and demanding father, subjected Rafael to rigorous training and harsh discipline, expecting perfection in every aspect of his life. Despite the physical and verbal abuse, Rafael excelled in his studies and training, driven by a desire to prove his worth.

Finding solace in art, Rafael used sketching and painting as a refuge from his harsh upbringing, expressing his suppressed emotions and inner turmoil. His artistic talents became both a secret rebellion and a source of comfort, inspired by the beauty of the Acosta estate's gardens and Antivan coastline.

Messages In This Thread
A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Bach - 09-06-2024, 07:32 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Ailwin - 09-06-2024, 07:35 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Alaric - 09-06-2024, 08:04 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Bajie - 09-06-2024, 12:44 PM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Bastien Frost - 09-06-2024, 12:53 PM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Cooper Maxwell - 09-07-2024, 01:56 PM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Danny - 09-07-2024, 03:37 PM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Gabriel Poulin - 09-08-2024, 05:03 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Garryn Aeducan - 09-08-2024, 11:13 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Horus - 09-08-2024, 11:14 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Kellam Yoesif - 09-08-2024, 11:15 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Loghain Mac Tir - 09-08-2024, 11:16 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Lustara - 09-08-2024, 11:16 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Lyric Oatshield - 09-08-2024, 11:17 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Madeline Wulff - 09-08-2024, 11:17 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Nathaniel Howe - 09-08-2024, 11:19 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Nolan Reid - 09-08-2024, 11:20 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Rafael Acosta - 09-08-2024, 11:21 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Rian Bradigan - 09-08-2024, 11:22 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Wyatt Aldridge - 09-08-2024, 11:23 AM
RE: A Wild Bach Has Appeared - by Zevran Arainai - 09-08-2024, 11:24 AM