Put that down, it's not a toy
There was a hesitancy in the Princess accepting the compliments ascribed to her. Adaria took a moment to reflect, a wave of nostalgia washing over her before she finally nodded in acknowledgement, a faint smile curving her lips. I’ve always walked in his shadow, but I never want to be him. I suppose, in some ways I’ve been afraid of being reduced to just a reflection, or cheap imitation of him. Thank you, Zevran. And you’re right - my path is my own, even if his legacy and responsibilities weigh heavily.

The enthusiasm her plotting resulted in slowed the smile fading into a more serious edge. I knew you’d appreciate the bite of such a plan. A dash of chaos, though I agree, if we miscalculate it could spiral out of control. Having it take on a life of it’s own was not going to benefit them, Rumours… we’ll plant them subtly. Let the idea take root on it’s own before the event. They’d help steer the ship, but controlling the narrative would be the hardest part.

As for our choice of assassin… It could be someone known, a rival perhaps? Someone with enough reputation to make it believable - but that would make it personal. The edge of her lips twitched in disagreement. Perhaps we do instead what you suggest. We allow the mystery to build? Although ambiguity could stoke more fear - fear of an unknown threat lurking in the shadows.

There was a long pause as Adaria reflected on his questions surrounding her motives, her true goal beyond the simple, flippant response of: because it would be hilarious. No. It went deeper than scratching the itch of selfish instant gratification. What do I hope to gain? the chuckle falling softly from her throat was one of calculative amusement. It’s not just about sending a message, though it’s certainly part of it. Oh no. The chessboard was shrouded, pieces in play were obscured and she had endured enough of the dust maintaining their cover. It was time the wind flushed out some of the key players. There are those who watch from the shadows, waiting to see if I, or my brothers, will falter, and I want them to know I won’t.

But more than that, I need to draw out the vipers in hiding. The ones who smile at me in public but whisper against us in private. I need to solidify my place as head, despite the crown not being on my head. Yet. If her brother didn’t weather the coming storm she would haul the ship clear, and take the role from him for the betterment of all. Family or not, the country demanded it.

@Zevran Arainai

Messages In This Thread
Put that down, it's not a toy - by Zevran Arainai - 04-16-2024, 09:11 AM
RE: Put that down, it's not a toy - by Adaria Campana - 10-11-2024, 03:26 PM