He continued his show of knocking the liquid off the midnight black robe -- dressed again in the richer blacks and silks of his station in the palace and not the usually greens and lesser woven fabrics that his name afforded him. There was stark contrast in the quality of clothing he wore in the palace versus what he had worn for his night out at the Blind Eye. He raised an annoyed eyebrow at Dorothy as he knocked the last of the ocher hued liquid from the sleeve. It was a show after all, he cared little about the fabric, it was as woven as tight as could be, and had protected his arm just fine, a little heat -- he assumed, but no liquid had been able to permeate the weave. That's what money bought, after all. Money and a job that put him in a position to need to be viewed as ineffable.
He sighed, exaggeratedly as he looked between them.
@Seraphine Salvo
He sighed, exaggeratedly as he looked between them.
Not only did you ruin this robe, but an expensive pot of tea too with your clumsiness, girl. Does someone need to let the masters of the house know how wasteful your two left feet have you?And having watched as much of the household as he had the past few days,
And you, sitting in such a place where a clumsy servant could fall and spill tea, in the middle of a wide open area, you should know better.For those with half a brain the would see it as a scolding, for those with any real intelligence, the true intention would shine through.
Well, what are you just standing there for, you spilled the tea, go brew a new pot and bring it here to me without spilling it as recompense.The longer he stood there, the more the pain in his arm was starting to bloom into something else. While the liquid hadn't gone through to his skin, the heat the water had been at.. Dorothy had to have taken it still boiling from the brazier -- he could feel the skin under starting to bubble some from the heat, it would be nothing for a healer, but the pain annoyed him -- it would have disfigured Seraphine, and that thought alone had him ready to gnash teeth and snap the other woman's neck.
@Seraphine Salvo
10-13-2024, 01:54 PM