A Birthday Bash
When her invitation had arrived Adaria had only just arrived in Antiva, the travelling chests and belongings brought back from Orlais lay around waiting to be brought indoors. All of which was forgotten about in lieu of shopping for a new dress though in the excitement of snubbing her brothers for a party elsewhere she remembered to inform Zevran of the change in plan. Hopefully their plot wouldn’t be hindered too much by the change in location, but since the ball in Tevinter, every one since had been lacking in stimulating entertainment.

Byron had done well with the preparations and Adaria had arrived discreetly to avoid revealing the surprise for her sister. It was their day and belonged to them.

Fingers danced across strings with natural ease and the Princess had begun the evening like their Father, among the band of musicians sussing out the people unknown to her while waiting on her family’s arrival. Leaning back into the chair she finally spotted Fran, shifting to stand and initiate an uptake in the current movements tempo.

A grin sprawled, lopsided, across her face, Happy Birthday to us, Franny.

Messages In This Thread
A Birthday Bash - by Byron Wulff - 09-30-2024, 11:13 PM
RE: A Birthday Bash - by Franziska Wulff - 10-09-2024, 10:26 AM
RE: A Birthday Bash - by Adaria Campana - 10-14-2024, 10:18 AM