Put that down, it's not a toy
Zevran listened intently, the glimmer of a strategist’s approval flickering in his eyes as Adaria articulated her plan, her resolve sharpening with each word. He admired her calculated approach, the restrained fury that drove her and the unyielding loyalty to her homeland. In her, he saw not only the heir but the leader Antiva needed.

He leaned forward, his voice barely above a murmur, a tone reserved for sharing secrets and unspoken alliances.

Then let’s give them a spectacle they won’t soon forget. A dance of shadows, a calculated mystery that will leave them questioning every friendly face they pass. The faintest rumor here, a whispered threat there—by the time your Nameday arrives, they will be looking over their shoulders, wondering which shadow holds a knife.

Zevran’s grin was sharp, his expression slipping into that of an assassin relishing the thought of a dangerous game well played. The key will be timing, my dear. Too soon, and they may grow too fearful and scurry into deeper hiding. Too late, and our ‘assassin’ won’t have the full impact. But if we do this right, the unknown threat will dangle just close enough to draw them out, flushed from their hiding spots like the rodents they are.

He watched her, gauging her reaction, knowing she understood the intricacies of power plays like few others her age. And as for your brothers… He paused, searching for the right words, his tone softening. Not every soul can carry the weight of Antiva’s crown. Should that time come, you must be ready to bear it. And I believe you will be. But until then, perhaps we should ensure they remain… somewhat useful.

With a last sip of his tea, Zevran leaned back, a playful glint returning to his eyes as he added, And might I say, this is shaping up to be the most entertaining Nameday I’ve had the pleasure to help plan. I do look forward to it, Adaria. They’ll all remember that day—and, more importantly, they’ll remember *you.*

As he spoke, he knew this was more than just a scheme to strengthen her position; it was her first true demonstration of command.

@Adaria Campana

Messages In This Thread
Put that down, it's not a toy - by Zevran Arainai - 04-16-2024, 09:11 AM
RE: Put that down, it's not a toy - by Zevran Arainai - 10-14-2024, 01:25 PM