Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping
My good side? Oh, no, Master Pavus, no, there's no getting into my bad graces once you're a friend, especially since I am especially sure that you're dear to those we know. Tiberius was the tall gentleman that scowled as much as he smiled, yes? She remembered the man well enough, the necromancer, she hadn't liked seeing the corpse being forced into answer questions, it went against her personal beliefs, but when needs demanded, she could put aside her personal feelings for the matter at hand, it's what made her a good scientist -- her belief in the Maker had no bearing on what she could see, feel, and taste, what her senses told her -- she knew it was a bit of a contradiction -- some in the academic circles thought the gods were false, something she'd not repeat in polite company after all. I believe I have an invite to tea from Master Umbra for later this visit, I'm looking forward to it, honestly. I'll have to see if I can swing the conversation towards his gardens.. without sounding too amazingly forward.

She grinned widely as she watched him take more food, glad that the man seemed to have a good appetite. She hated having tea with those who just picked at their food and never really enjoyed. She herself loved to eat, loved to experience new foods, and new drinks all the time, and so finding company that matched her enthusiasm for trying things was rare. She saved every time she met someone new who shared these qualities. I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if I was a lesser mind I would have assumed that to be a dig at my upbringing, but since I am not, and I know you're of better stuff than most of your peers I've met, you three really are exceptional you know, then I see that through as the compliment it is.

Of course, when the waiter came by and they were putting her tea on his tab, she did protest, You know I was sent with more than enough to pay my own way, but I'll thank you all the more for that, I'm sure the University accountants are going to have a field day when I file my receipts with them, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the head accountant's head spin a full circle. She allowed her arm to be looped through Enzo's easily, safe in his company. It helped that she knew that Malachai was one of his closest -- knowing she had those there with her, who knew the city, knew the people, who would make sure she wasn't taken advantage of too terribly much -- she assumed that her experiences with markets would be universal -- she didn't know how to barter, or haggle, when a price was told to her, she would pay it because it never really occurred to her that someone would say one price for one client, but another for someone else.

It was that trust in people to be them best selves, even when she had seen the worst sides of people through the majority of her past. Yes, I think so, now, from the way you spoke of her earlier, I am assuming that you have some sort of personal connection to Madame de-Solar, and that's why you agreed to help me so easily, of course, I just now came across another reason, and that's to cause our mutual friend some sort of headache - which if you are anything like my brothers, I feel like this assumption on my half might be leaning towards the correct one, but I know that our friend has eyes watching so if it's a headache we're trying to cause, then might I suggest holding hands instead, the familiarity that it would allude to will certainly cause an up-roar, and since I'm a claimed bastard it makes it all the more scandalous. Maybe, I think some of the rules between our two societies might overlap, and then things like mine being a novice at magic would have raised me higher, faster, in society, than my birth did in my own city. I need to sit down in one of your libraries and do some studies into that, I feel like primary school taught me about it at some point, but I put that knowledge aside for something more exciting like the wave patterns off the coast during the double full moons or some such. She paused as they went down the street, it wasn't far, a couple of doors.

Or at least more exciting to me, than the politics that happen behind closed doors. I'm very happy that my brother's have kept me safe from it, and I'm certain that you and our mutual friends will do the same for me here? My mind needs more fruitful problems to turn over than who's mistress slapped who's wife at tea, though I won't ever turn down a good bit of gossip in my own parlor. She had learned a long time ago, that gossip, especially about the "ton" was a part of life, and knowing at least some of it was expected of anyone who moved about in any circles. As they came to the door way of the shop, Lia let her eyes roam the store front. Oh I'm going to like the Madam, aren't I? The riot of gold and purple that consisted of the store front with an aristocratic flourish was more flamboyant than Lia would ever have let herself like, but, as Enzo had pointed out earlier, what was gauche in Tevinter, would be commonplace in Orlais, and vice versa. She had a lot of learn if she was going to be traveling back and forth between the two places over the next few months.

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Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping - by Ophelia Jolfy - 07-13-2024, 06:29 PM
RE: Lunch Dates and Dress Shopping - by Ophelia Jolfy - 10-19-2024, 05:39 PM