I'd like it better if my wife didn't feel the need to wear masks around me, but I will take whatever she will give me in this life and be thankful for it.Kaczor let Annie pull at her hair, at her bare earlobes, even at her lower lip as she juggled the deep conversation and a toddler at the same time. She had never thought that she would be the moderate voice in anything, her life had been steeped in so much excess over the course of her life, that anything like this seemed to be.. so ... foreign to her.
I would notice, but it wouldn't be solving a problem, only masking one. And I have faith in you, Ella, no marriage is perfect, and without rough patches, as long as you're willing to work through this, I still am as well.
And she would, returning the smile that was given, as Ella explained her day, using the lull to scoot closer, to bring herself closer to her wife, to offer a shoulder, an arm, a hug, a closer ear, anything that she could give the other woman in that moment. In the morning, she would wonder if her wife had killed her father, but would never blame her, Hells, Kaczor would like to have had half a chance at murdering the man who had been as much a cause of her wife's depression as she had been. But this moment wasn't about what Kaczor would have done or do for her wife, but what her wife had finally done for herself.
I'm thankful you didn't die.She finally said, quietly, an open hand offered towards her wife, an invitation to hold hands.
Do you need help, tracking her down?It was something Kaczor probably wasn't as good at as say, Malik, or Malachai would be, but she offered still. Ella was her wife, and even if they weren't really together, in a sense, at the moment, Kaczor still wanted to do anything she could to help.
Or is this something you need to do alone? Please understand I wouldn't try and insert myself into something you didn't want me being a part of. But I want to help, if you'll allow me.
@Novella Tilani
10-19-2024, 10:52 PM