Put that down, it's not a toy
Her fury had been sated. For now. There was still a level of turmoil that travelled within a current under the surface, but currently subdued in light of their planning. Adaria played with the cup in her hand, turning it around the saucer with a thumb and forefinger. Nodding with his assessment, the Princess quietly listened to his various responses.

The timing can be worked on closer to the occasion. Currently there are few concrete plans that have been finalised. Even the location is still uncertain, but we must also remember that it is also my Sister’s day. No doubt Byron would be planning something, if even for appearances sake. If he has any sense he’ll arrange something for us both, but we can set the ground work in motion, just omit some details until we have the information available for dissemination.

A trickle of rumours was better than flooding and potentially muddying the waters, then they’d obscure everything than allowing their prey to surface. I can’t wait to go rat hunting. Perhaps once I’ve caught a few, we can make them a choir and they can entertain or shock us with their curious melodies.

Bringing her cup towards her lips, Adaria paused before taking a sip. I’m not sure. My Father was very good at pulling such stunts. I believe Madam Ferris still refuses cake for fear of poisoning.

Her request heard, Adaria considered him from her chair, hesitating at first before asking him directly. Now that business is conducted, why don’t you tell me some real gossip, Mhmm? Orlais claims to be a cesspit of scandal but I am terribly bored.

@Zevran Arainai

Messages In This Thread
Put that down, it's not a toy - by Zevran Arainai - 04-16-2024, 09:11 AM
RE: Put that down, it's not a toy - by Adaria Campana - 10-22-2024, 02:27 PM