Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
Colt felt a familiar pang of sympathy as he watched Haulean struggle, caught in a whirlwind of anxiety that seemed to paralyze him. The kid was wound tighter than a spring, and it hurt to see him trying so hard to hold himself together. He glanced at Ruth, who was observing the two, then took a slow step forward, positioning himself slightly in front of Haulean, not quite blocking him but close enough to provide a sense of cover.

Hey, easy now, Colt murmured, keeping his voice low and steady, trying to cut through the panic that was clearly threatening to overwhelm the lad. You don’t gotta go anywhere, and you don’t gotta explain anything right now, alright? He placed a hand gently on Haulean’s shoulder, squeezing lightly. Just breathe, bud. In and out.

Ruth took a moment to let the tension simmer down, his usual smirk softened into something kinder, something Colt didn’t recognise at first. “Look, kid, I’m not here to play priest,” he started, still leaning casually against the doorframe, “but I’m also not here to carry you out kicking and screaming. Even if Nairn’s as stubborn as a mule, he doesn’t send me to do his dirty work. He just wants to make sure you’re alright.”

Slowly, Colt shifted, moving so he was standing right in front of Haulean, blocking out the rest of the room, forcing the boy to focus on him. Look at me, kid, Colt said, his voice gentle but firm. I know you’re scared. And I know you think this means you’re getting shipped off, but that ain’t happening. You’re stayin’ put, right here. If Nairn wanted you gone, he wouldn’t have sent Ruth. He’d have sent... well, someone else a lot scarier, probably Danny, trust me on that.

Ruth snorted softly, adding, “Yeah, they’d have sent him, not the guy who passes through on a whim and might fuck your girl. Colt knew that last jab was for him, but instead of snapping back he just let it slide for now. So relax. You’re not goin’ anywhere unless you decide to walk out that door yourself.”

Haulean’s breathing was still ragged, but Colt could see the faint flicker of something close to relief in his eyes, even if it was buried beneath layers of fear. He kept his hand on the boy’s shoulder, grounding him, and when Haulean’s head dropped, Colt gently tipped his chin back up. C’mon, chin up, your staying, he said, a bit more softly. You’re not alone in this mess, alright? So if you need to sit down, or if you need a hug, or if you just need to stand there and shake it out, that’s fine.

Ruth nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “Kid, Nairn’s not perfect. He’s got all the finesse of a brick wall sometimes, and yeah, he made a mess of things. But if he really wanted to get rid of you, you’d be gone already. So, how about we stop worrying about what might happen, and just… chat a bit about your old man? That sound doable?”

I’ll send Colt for some beers and we can just doss here. You smoke?

@Haulean Oruven

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RE: Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming - by Colton Young - 10-23-2024, 03:27 PM