[past] And you are?
sorta, bit
Lustara’s grin grew wide and wicked, the glint of triumph unmistakable in his sharp eyes as Eithne relented. She had made her choice, though he knew it wasn’t easy for her. No, that’s what made this victory so sweet. He could almost taste the conflict that had raged inside her before she stepped back, allowing him his life in exchange for the information.

Oh, darling, you wound me with that language. Such a mouth on you. His tone was teasing, but there was an edge of satisfaction as he rubbed his neck where her dagger had pressed. And yes, for now, all I ask is my freedom. Of course, we both know this little arrangement will leave us... tied together in the future. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? One step at a time, as they say.

His eyes flicked to the two dead hunters, their blood pooling on the floor, and he gave an exaggerated sigh. A shame, really. But I understand, loose lips and all that. You’re nothing if not thorough. He was impressed—more than impressed, actually—but he kept that to himself for now.

With a fluid motion, Lustara straightened, brushing imaginary dust off his shoulders as if the threat of death hadn’t just been moments away. He took a step toward her, careful not to make any sudden moves. Though she’d let him live, he knew Eithne’s patience was a fragile thing.

The mages you’re after? He paused, the air around them growing heavier as his voice dropped to a near whisper. They’re holed up in a place called the Hollow Keep, far to the west, deep within the Black Mire. A charming little fortress hidden by magic and swamplands. The sort of place that keeps prying eyes away—unless, of course, you know the right tricks to bypass their wards.

He took another step closer, his tone casual but his words laced with dark promise. Now, these particular mages are quite fond of dabbling in the sort of magic that would make your blood run cold. Blood rites, soul binding, the works. And trust me, they’re preparing for something big. If you don’t stop them soon, well… let’s just say the world might be a very different place by the time they're done.

Lustara paused, watching her for any reaction, then added with a smirk, I’ll give you the names of their leaders as well. Just to sweeten the deal. But remember, darling, this is only the beginning. You'll need more than your blades and tricks to take them down. You might even need... me. He winked, the humor returning to his voice, though the seriousness of the situation remained.

He glanced at the two bodies once more, chuckling softly. Oh, and do feel free to blame me for the mess. I’ve got a reputation to maintain, after all.

With that, he stepped back, giving her the space she needed to process everything. He could see the disgust and frustration lingering on her face, but Lustara knew better than anyone that, no matter how much she hated him for it, they were bound now. Tied by the thread of necessity.


Messages In This Thread
[past] And you are? - by Lustara - 08-15-2024, 05:09 PM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Eithne - 08-18-2024, 11:13 AM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Lustara - 08-21-2024, 07:44 AM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Eithne - 10-12-2024, 12:20 AM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Lustara - 10-14-2024, 12:50 PM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Eithne - 10-19-2024, 11:57 PM
RE: [past] And you are? - by Lustara - 10-25-2024, 12:01 PM