Captives in the Game of Love
The letter arrives with a crate of carefully packed seedlings, saplings, and cuttings of the various plants that had been grown at the townhouse. A second envelope with Malik's careful, precise handwriting gives an exact status report of Annie's days over the past week, mainly her new vocabulary, eating likes and dislikes, and musical aptitude. There is no personal letter from the man himself.


I'm proud of you, for honing your skills in magic, seventeen days is a good amount of time to not accidentally hurt someone. It's the failing of all of those around you for not recognizing the magic sooner, maybe we could have prevented what occurred somehow had any of us actually.. noticed.

I've not seen Annie, nor Malik for over a week now, so I've no updates on what they're doing. I'll send someone over to get Malik to write you a letter. I'm sending a box of cuttings from all the plants currently in the greenhouse, as well as the sapling. Keep drawing, use it as a medium to clear out what's got you mad, or angry, or happy, or sad, save all of them and when you decide to come home you can show me all of them, and send as many as you like in the mean time. I'll conserve them properly here at the house for you.

The event was for charity, rebuilding some of the businesses that were effected by the barrier falling. Enough money was raised for at least three businesses to rebuild completely and restaff with slaves as appropriate. Who knows, maybe one of them will get crazy and hire paid workers, but I'm not holding my breath on that. I've turned down invitations to the next three, I don't feel up to them right now.

I hope the gardens there remain tranquil and healing, it sounds like you're doing so much better there, I'm glad.


Messages In This Thread
Captives in the Game of Love - by Kaczor Tilani - 10-29-2024, 04:30 PM
RE: Captives in the Game of Love - by Kaczor Tilani - 10-29-2024, 06:56 PM