Captives in the Game of Love
The envelope arrives, several days later, with the divorce agreement torn into tiny pieces, and a single sheet of paper with the word, NO, with an entirely too Kaczor flourished underline drawn under it several times.

If Malik is sent to investigate the townhouse, it's empty, and signs of the Tilani heir taking residence elsewhere aren't found. Reports from Benson and Sari are that Kaczor went "out" and never returned home.

Either Kaczor has left the country, or she's still in that townhouse.

Messages In This Thread
Captives in the Game of Love - by Kaczor Tilani - 10-29-2024, 04:30 PM
RE: Captives in the Game of Love - by Kaczor Tilani - 10-29-2024, 08:19 PM