Cooper gave a snort at Maika’s jab, feigning offense as he straightened up and stretched his shoulders dramatically.
He leaned against the bar, giving her question some thought.
Cooper’s voice softened as he met Maika’s eyes.
He glanced down for a moment, as if debating whether to say more. Finally, he sighed.
@Maika Arainai
What, you think I don’t know I’m not in my twenties anymore? Mina reminds me every chance she gets, believe me,he said with a grin.
She’s got this way of rolling her eyes every time I groan after lifting a crate—like I’m putting on a show or something. Smart little thing. Too smart, if you ask me.
He leaned against the bar, giving her question some thought.
You’ll definitely see her before you leave. Mina’s got a habit of popping in and out like a damn sprite. She’s usually out back in the mornings, helping with the hens or poking around for something to get into. Shouldn’t be too hard to track her down, though. Just follow the sound of something breaking, and you’ll find her.
Cooper’s voice softened as he met Maika’s eyes.
I know she’ll be happy to see you, though. You left a mark on her, Maika. She still talks about you sometimes, you know. About how you made her laugh, how you had all those stories. You were family to her—and to me.
He glanced down for a moment, as if debating whether to say more. Finally, he sighed.
I’m glad you came back, even if it’s just for a little while. It’s good to see you again. And, for what it’s worth, you’ve got a place here anytime you want it. Even if it’s just to sit down, have a drink, and tell me how to use cayenne properly.
@Maika Arainai
11-18-2024, 11:07 AM