does the saying go — a honeymoon is always sweet?
Nairn grinned, Well, I believe I promised you a forest. But... the Dales are too cold, and the ones by home are too... close to responsibilities. His smile faded slightly, before he squeezed his wife tight, pulling her flush against him. He'd noted the way her eyes lit up, when she parroted that they were all alone.

Mmm. You sure you don't wanna spend more of my money? He teased, breezing a kiss across her cheek as she rested against him, her fingers finding his.

'course we'll have wine. I had them set some of their nicest out, he bumped noses with her, grinning as he leaned for a proper kiss. Mmm, think we could both use a drink.

He'd pull hed with him, Tomorrow morning, we'll meet with a pair of massage therapists. Sweet elves, from the dry lands. And each morning a vineyard employee will stop by to drop off catered meals for the day, freshly made. She didn't care about the cost, and neither did he.

This'll be where they drop the food off, he nodded to a building that appeared to be a restaurant, when open. But he was leading them to the large castle-like building in the center of the fields.

I thought you could pick our room. He mused, squeezing her hand tightly in his.

@Megara Neirdre

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RE: does the saying go — a honeymoon is always sweet? - by Nairn Neirdre - 11-19-2024, 08:13 PM