Tea Pots and Palace Rumors
Malik listened closely to what she had to say about the other woman and decided that it might not be worth the effort to scare her into submission in the long run, after all, another Magister making waves probably would be frowned upon greatly, and then he would have to hear about it. And as much as he hated to see people get ahead in the world because of nepotism like that, he liked exposing his family even less. So the woman would be able to live -- for now. Until he decided to change that, to make her vanish one day. He would, if the offense was deep enough, if the crime the other woman committed could be.. Treasonous.

Yes, Malik thought to himself, yes, treason would do just nicely. It would tie a pretty little bow on the package as well. A Magister wouldn't align themselves to someone with even the slightest whiff of conspiracy around them, at least not within certain circles. Look at what had happened with the Tilani's -- Kaczor had defended a few too many seditious people in the courts, got ideas of grandeur going on and then everyone had turned their back on her. The only reason she came away as unscathed as she had was that he had killed a few people personally to keep her safe in prison, and the vast fortunes her family held. Dorothy wouldn't be long for the world if she kept on like this.

And that … somewhat shocked him. That he'd care at all like that.

He reached out and caught her around the wrist, gently, an easy hold to break if she jerked away, it was meant more as a means of arresting her departure, he had more words, It's currently a request, Seraphine, don’t make me make it anything else by continuing to refuse. I need a third set of hands when it comes to your new friend's child. He dropped his voice lower, Or at least someone at the house who can be trusted to help cook and do some light cleaning, perhaps some entertaining at the child's bed time, and it gets you away from here for a little while. Your new friend would appreciate the help as well, she's just not in the position to ask herself, personally, at the moment. He let that linger in the air, it wasn't just a favor for him, but a favor for her new acquaintance as well.

@Seraphine Salvo

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Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 08-18-2024, 01:59 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 10-13-2024, 01:54 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 10-19-2024, 10:40 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 11-28-2024, 01:05 AM