Meetings and Open Office Hours
Malik thought about the Archon's words, truly gave them thought, but as he was starting to form some sort of opinion about the question of what they were fighting for -- what he thought they were fighting for at least -- their.. little family, for different things that couldn't quite be put into words just yet, but mainly, their family -- he was rattled from the thought by the sudden movement. He could revisit that thought at a later time. Today? Today Malik fought to keep the Archon safe, to keep the realm safe. He brought death to those that deserved it, and they did, and slept soundly that his blood lust was at least partially sated by a job that needed to be filled, by being his de-facto father's blade in the night. I am rather fond of living, now that you mention it.

He smiled, wryly at the older man, a man that he saw as a mentor in more than one way. Deme was less sarcastic than Malachai, more open with advice learned from age and experience -- he didn't have to pry with Deme, it was offered with no string attached, or at least, Malik thought so. And there was the mood change again, nothing that Malik was too terribly unaccustomed to at this point, so he nodded, as he bowed slightly at the waist, a hand moved towards the chess board. You'll have to reacquaint me with the opening gambit you so love to employ in our games. I've been trying to remember it when other's challenge me to the game. Not everyone has the luxury of a fantastically brilliant teacher.

That was truth at least -- Deme taught him chess, and well. Something he had employed at the club and against his own sister in law before -- the woman did like the game, seemed to think herself a good player to boot. He would learn Deme's opening gambit well enough to use against Kaczor to shut her up eventually. You have time for a game now? I think your schedule is done for the day, and it's a rare chance for us to both indulge. At least in this current mood, he didn't have to always be as formal, as stuffy and rigid to protocol and pomp. The visionary, after all, was Malik's favorite mode of Deme's madness -- unpredictable, but never cruel or lead by malice. He learned far more from Deme in those moments, than he did any other time.

@Demetrius Arvina

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Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Malik Vrai - 06-17-2024, 11:19 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 06-18-2024, 11:26 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 07-08-2024, 09:23 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Malik Vrai - 12-06-2024, 11:51 PM