Tea Pots and Palace Rumors
Malik's eyes swept the open area, making sure no one else was there to witness their little spat, a frown on his face, but he had expected no less from her. After the alley-way, after his bed, but that was just it, he didn't want it to be a threat, didn't want to have this fight with her, even if he knew he had unfortunately pushed it towards this. Perhaps if you were more open to ideas outside the realm of your comfort zone, allowing yourself to live a little, I wouldn't have to resort to ordering you to doing something for your own good. That was going to go over like a pallet of stone blocks being dropped.

Please, I trust you more around her than I do most. You can fight. You have a good brain on your head, and you know when the hunger is upon you, do you think for a moment I would allow you near her if I saw it rise it's ugly head up in you? You hunted the man for almost an entire evening. You have more control over it than you imagine, and you had more than enough time to say something. He watched her spin the story around nearly as much as she spun herself.

Is there anything I can say in this in which won't paint me a villain and will have you more agreeable to spending a week or two at my estate, which is right next door to your friend? Malik wouldn't say that it was mainly for her to be near by in case Kaczor got too emotional over what all happened. Malik wasn't one to be comforting, well, not in a way that would put his sister-in-law at ease. But the two of them had seemed to make fast friends, and having the woman around just in case was, part of the reason too. He had thought, that using the excuse of needing more help with the child care might be the right maneuver, but that was quickly become apparent to be the wrong pawn to move across the field. Deme would scold him for such a bumbling opening maneuver. He should have thought it through more before using that as his gambit.

Then there was also that he had to make sure, sure of Seraphine, before the order from Malachai came down to marry the woman. Knowing his father, it would be a large wedding, an actual "to-do" in which half the realm was invited. He had to make sure that she could withstand the scrutiny that would put her under, even knowing that at some point the papers would read "Murder Suicide of New Bride and her Groom" if they wouldn't figure out ending this curse together. Too many pieces moving on an already overcrowded board.

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Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 08-18-2024, 01:59 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 10-13-2024, 01:54 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 10-19-2024, 10:40 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 11-28-2024, 01:05 AM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 12-08-2024, 03:45 PM
RE: Tea Pots and Palace Rumors - by Malik Vrai - 12-31-2024, 09:02 PM