Get out of the Estate, take some sunshine, see the garden.
Ophelia still didn't feel like getting out of her bed, as she ruefully watched the sunlight filter in through the window, wondering if it would rain to match the melancholy that was pervading her soul with a sadness that couldn't quite be called sadness, nor be named anything but. A great maw, vast emptiness that gripped her and refused to let go. But Luce would scold her, for being dramatic, and tell her she needed to keep up her studies and research. Rene would poke fun and tell her she should rise from the bed and at least find new rooms to sulk about in.
She was about to close her eyes to the world again, and allow herself to not move from the bed, for another day, when she felt the tug of the covers at her toes, and a curious call.
A little while later, after her hair had been tamed back into a braid, and she had been bathed and dressed, she had seen to it to take herself to Tiberus' gardens, knowing that while that had not been the garden intended that her new friend and potentially future mentor probably would not be upset with her coming to see his gardens for the day. It got her out of doors, into the sunshine, and it had her dressed and bathed -- her hair was even up in a braid that hug the crown of her head, laced through with a black ribbon of mourning, to match the plain black shift dress she wore for the day. She missed her greens and blues that felt more appropriate, but the pain of loss was still too fresh, to new to her, to allow herself the joy of color yet. Maybe soon.
Isenam had vanished before the estate, probably down to the shore to hunt for a little bit, before he would come back and sun himself with a full belly, and when she had finally been permitted inside enough so that she had started along the walk way that she had memorized on her last visit, when she was met with a woman that..
Ophelia stopped, and stared, mouth slightly agape and mind racing. Red hair, creamy skin, the same faint trace of Orlesian in the voice, was this the lady of the House or the gardener that Tiberus had mentioned in the past, or were they one in the same? Realizing she had froze for too long, had been silent past what was an acceptable amount of time.
@Lyric Oatshield
Ophelia still didn't feel like getting out of her bed, as she ruefully watched the sunlight filter in through the window, wondering if it would rain to match the melancholy that was pervading her soul with a sadness that couldn't quite be called sadness, nor be named anything but. A great maw, vast emptiness that gripped her and refused to let go. But Luce would scold her, for being dramatic, and tell her she needed to keep up her studies and research. Rene would poke fun and tell her she should rise from the bed and at least find new rooms to sulk about in.
She was about to close her eyes to the world again, and allow herself to not move from the bed, for another day, when she felt the tug of the covers at her toes, and a curious call.
No Isenam, I don't want to play this morning.She pulled the covers back up over her face and tried to hide from the animal she had befriended and come to love, before she felt the edge of the bed dip enough to roll her to the floor, the griffon having stepped on the edge -- a new trick he had learned made her leave the bed -- a tumble to be sure, and enough of one to make her hip hurt as she came to rest at the feet of the large beast, before she felt the cold beak pressed into the side of her neck and a happy sound leave the beast.
Fine, fine. I will rise, and I will do the garden, and you can follow along, go sun on the rocks near the port, maybe catch some fish, as long as you don't get caught and you don't scare anyone. We don't want our host trying to say you're too dangerous to have around.Lia fussed a little, as she moved her snarled hair back from her face. Trust an animal to make her take care of herself when all she wanted to do was sleep and not dream about ... anything.
A little while later, after her hair had been tamed back into a braid, and she had been bathed and dressed, she had seen to it to take herself to Tiberus' gardens, knowing that while that had not been the garden intended that her new friend and potentially future mentor probably would not be upset with her coming to see his gardens for the day. It got her out of doors, into the sunshine, and it had her dressed and bathed -- her hair was even up in a braid that hug the crown of her head, laced through with a black ribbon of mourning, to match the plain black shift dress she wore for the day. She missed her greens and blues that felt more appropriate, but the pain of loss was still too fresh, to new to her, to allow herself the joy of color yet. Maybe soon.
Isenam had vanished before the estate, probably down to the shore to hunt for a little bit, before he would come back and sun himself with a full belly, and when she had finally been permitted inside enough so that she had started along the walk way that she had memorized on her last visit, when she was met with a woman that..
Ophelia stopped, and stared, mouth slightly agape and mind racing. Red hair, creamy skin, the same faint trace of Orlesian in the voice, was this the lady of the House or the gardener that Tiberus had mentioned in the past, or were they one in the same? Realizing she had froze for too long, had been silent past what was an acceptable amount of time.
Ahh, yes, Ophelia Jolfy, formerly of Orlais University.. I. I'm not really sure why I'm here today, only that I needed the plants to feel less empty. Is this your garden? I mean, are you the one that takes care of all of them? Plans out their neat little rows and beds? I.. I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced, I didn't really know where I was going until I was,Ophelia paused, one hand coming to rub along the length of her arm between shoulder and elbow, unsure of herself suddenly. She shouldn't have come unannounced, shouldn't have just let her whims take her -- but there she was.
Until I was here.
@Lyric Oatshield
12-08-2024, 03:46 PM