[Ashaad rolled a combat check vs. Danny – and failed.]
Footsteps — of a particular cadence. Not another traveler fresh from the night market, just hoping to make it back to their bed. Anticipation made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. In a way, Ash had always expected this. Some enemy of the Qun would figure what he was; take umbrage. Perhaps they noticed the cords beneath his clothes, or had followed him for some time.
Still, they wouldn’t have known his name and purpose. What was this? He turned, slowly. The stranger was tall and broad, a rough looking human of indeterminate age. Ben-Hassrath? Their agents might look like anything; be anything.
No. The more the stranger spoke, the less likely that seemed. Speaking would only waste breath. Ashaad’s glaive flew to his hands, an inconvenience in the alley. Perhaps he could fend the other man off, at least. Keep him too far away to strike out with those knives. As the stranger trailed off, and all Ashaad could hear was their breathing, he heard it.
A whisper. He couldn’t risk taking his eyes off the first stranger to look for them. A mage?
Fuck. This was bad. His only hope of escape would be to act quickly and the glaive was worse than useless. He flung it down and dived at the first man, armored fists flying in a bid to overpower him quickly.
@Nairn Neirdre
Footsteps — of a particular cadence. Not another traveler fresh from the night market, just hoping to make it back to their bed. Anticipation made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. In a way, Ash had always expected this. Some enemy of the Qun would figure what he was; take umbrage. Perhaps they noticed the cords beneath his clothes, or had followed him for some time.
Still, they wouldn’t have known his name and purpose. What was this? He turned, slowly. The stranger was tall and broad, a rough looking human of indeterminate age. Ben-Hassrath? Their agents might look like anything; be anything.
No. The more the stranger spoke, the less likely that seemed. Speaking would only waste breath. Ashaad’s glaive flew to his hands, an inconvenience in the alley. Perhaps he could fend the other man off, at least. Keep him too far away to strike out with those knives. As the stranger trailed off, and all Ashaad could hear was their breathing, he heard it.
A whisper. He couldn’t risk taking his eyes off the first stranger to look for them. A mage?
Fuck. This was bad. His only hope of escape would be to act quickly and the glaive was worse than useless. He flung it down and dived at the first man, armored fists flying in a bid to overpower him quickly.
@Nairn Neirdre
12-14-2024, 02:57 PM