Don't be a spoil sport
When the stranger entered in the tavern, many of the clients that came there often started to act uneasy. It was odd, considering the influx of refugees that West Hills was receiving for them to act at times so suspicious of strangers. She had to admit that this one particularly seemed hard to ignore, he was talkative and the sort of person that made you look at them.
She eyed the stranger, deciding that for now he wasn’t a danger, for some reason she decided to enter in the conversation. Usually Ael would have stuck to minding her own business but perhaps boredom was moving her to do things that she hadn’t expected before like striking a conversation with a stranger.

“So…what’s your friend like? If we don’t know them we can’t know if we have seen them around” she said raising an eyebrow from her corner of the counter.

Messages In This Thread
Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 11-18-2024, 11:15 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Aelynthi Loraronna - 12-30-2024, 04:22 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 01-04-2025, 08:52 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 01-21-2025, 07:56 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 02-11-2025, 10:26 AM