The suggestion had been made that she spend some time in the gardens today, to get some fresh air, instead of the dustiness of being shut up in the room she had been given. it was close to her dear friend's, and it overlooked the garden nicely, so it fit her needs. She had asked for little, thus far. A black dress, of mourning, and a black hair ribbon, and a bit of yellow and black thread and a needle. Sitting under a lemon tree, which she saw sported a small scar where a cutting had been taken from it's trunk -- she suspected that the lemon tree she had been gifted to place in the courtyard of the Orleasian University gardens had been taken from said tree -- she had set to work embroidering two bees on the ribbon. She had embroidered bees into Rene's pockets, so that if there had ever been a question if a coat was his or not, a quick slip of drunken fingers into the pocket would reveal the bee inside -- close enough to sting. It had been a reminder to him, some joke in the past she had made and had turned it into some small think between them both.
She missed her brothers, her sister in law, and her nephew so much. The pain squeezed in her chest like a vice grip, taking her breath away as the rush of faces she knew that were no more came back to her. Rene, Luce, others.. down to her in-law's brother who had always treated her kindly, had been the one to find her when Luce had taken back over the manor.. all gone. All of them.
And with that, the tears were back as she paused her embroidery, not even setting the ribbon aside, no, she let the tears fall for a few moments before she was trying to reign the emotions back in. She could cry when she didn't have anyone watching her -- in the bath, or at night when she was trying to fall asleep -- but she couldn't cry in the open, not yet. At least here, she couldn't hear bells. Couldn't hear them ringing out any longer, as she blotted at her reddened cheeks with her sleeve, improper, she knew, but, once couldn't have her remember all her manners while dealing with grief. So the sleeve it was, as she sniffled quietly, there under the lemon tree that felt familiar, before she started her embroidery again, a third bee now starting to take shape on the silken fabric as she heard people moving about close by, was someone coming to the garden?
@Novella Tilani
She missed her brothers, her sister in law, and her nephew so much. The pain squeezed in her chest like a vice grip, taking her breath away as the rush of faces she knew that were no more came back to her. Rene, Luce, others.. down to her in-law's brother who had always treated her kindly, had been the one to find her when Luce had taken back over the manor.. all gone. All of them.
And with that, the tears were back as she paused her embroidery, not even setting the ribbon aside, no, she let the tears fall for a few moments before she was trying to reign the emotions back in. She could cry when she didn't have anyone watching her -- in the bath, or at night when she was trying to fall asleep -- but she couldn't cry in the open, not yet. At least here, she couldn't hear bells. Couldn't hear them ringing out any longer, as she blotted at her reddened cheeks with her sleeve, improper, she knew, but, once couldn't have her remember all her manners while dealing with grief. So the sleeve it was, as she sniffled quietly, there under the lemon tree that felt familiar, before she started her embroidery again, a third bee now starting to take shape on the silken fabric as she heard people moving about close by, was someone coming to the garden?
@Novella Tilani
12-31-2024, 01:32 PM