I've been to the gardens before, Master Umbra is .. friends with the man I am staying with, these gardens were lovely when I last visited as well. There was a tea plantation too, I believe.The other woman sounded like her, and she felt herself slipping further into the Orlesian accent as they continued to talk.
I'm a botanist, or I was. I still am, I think? Does.. nevermind, I'm not making a lot of sense today, and plants don't really need me to be making sense that well.
Mango looked peaceful, so she didn't really want to bother the animal, and she knew soon enough Ise would show up and maybe wreck the peace for the moment, so she wanted to take the time to enjoy the quiet.
Lavender is good for cooking and in tea, little short bread cookies with the lavender buds, and then adding it to a black tea is very delicious.This, this was something she could talk about easily enough, it wasn't what was wrong.
I miss my garden, and the garden where I'm staying right now isn't as well developed as this one, this one has older trees, old growth plants that I can tell have had cuttings taken off them and grown into new plants.She gently went to a seat there, near Mango, looking down at the little cat, missing the ones that she had met at the Archon's palace back in the spring.
I used to talk to my plants at the gardens in Orlais University, I planted most of them as I worked on my research, I've been working on methods of being able to use specific doses for people, instead of one side fits all potions. It's wasteful in some cases, and then sometimes it's not enough for a bigger person, or a person who works a lot, it metabolizes through their system faster. I don't like the idea of people experiencing pain, or being over-drugged.She was being a chatter box again, but she tended to talk too much when she was nervous, or sad, or excited.. okay, maybe she just liked to talk a lot.
Is there a specific pattern to how you plant, I noticed some are planted with symbiotic plants and some are not, are you the one changing them to the more symbiotic methods?
@Lyric Oatshield
01-01-2025, 05:16 PM