A Sloop Tries to Bash a Schooner, Which Mast Wins?
Piracy, Violence, Cursing
I'm brilliant at it because I spent so long taking and fulfilling contracts. I've heard over a thousand people's dying words, and every time, every one of them was something of a regret, in one form or another. Her lips moved against his as one hand sunk into the water between them. She wanted him, intimately, right there, soapy bath water and all. It wasn't the worst they'd ever be in when the mood struck. She broke the kiss just as gently as she had started it, her tongue sliding across his lip as she drew down a shuddering breath of air, hand stroking a trail along his lower abdomen, fingers gently walking their way down further, over scars and hair, never directly touching where she wanted to the most. I promised myself, if the First Talon let me go, that I would live a life with no regrets, so that when the blade slipped between my ribs, and regards were given, I wouldn't be like the poor saps that met my blades in the past. I could welcome death like an old friend, with a smile, and perhaps a small curse that He had finally caught me.

Her hand slid back up his abdomen, along those scars, and muscles, over tattoos and areas that were a bit softer than they had been in their youth, up over his heart, and back around to the back of his neck as she hugged close, chest pressed to his as she relaxed into his further. And the only regret I have right now is that my body, soaking wet in need to have you buried balls deep inside me, is that I don't think I'd be much of a great partner at the moment. Everything hurts, and I'm pretty sure it's going to hurt worse in the morning. So before anything else. Potions.

Reluctantly, she pulled herself up out of the water, rivulets trailing down her equally scarred body, evidence of each of those kills she wore in her flesh, the beads catching the low candle and lantern light as she excised herself from the tub and padded across the chamber to the ex-captain's personal belongings, small stock of various sized bottles within a cabinet bolted to the wall. She plucked two from the confines and padded back to hand him one, her own vanishing between parted lips as she backed away towards the narrow bed, hopping back up onto it and placing the heels of her feet on the edge, legs spread wide to give him a glorious view of just how ready she was once that potion did the trick for the both of them. Laying back, making sure she was comfortable, she reached between her legs, deft fingers moving between her folds, teasing more of her arousal slick into coating her fingers so that she could finally start to take care of the burning need that had been building inside her since they had started flirting on deck. Feel free to continue watching, or come join me when you're ready, either way, I'm going to enjoy myself, knowing either way, come morning this whole boat is going to know your name from how loudly I'll be screaming it.


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RE: A Sloop Tries to Bash a Schooner, Which Mast Wins? - by Celine Vonn - 01-02-2025, 11:49 PM