Don't be a spoil sport
Horus turned his head with a deliberate, almost theatrical slowness, his hat dipping as he peered at Ael from beneath its brim. He tilted his head, a bead in his hair catching the light as his grin spread wider.

Ah, excellent! A volunteer! he exclaimed, pushing off the counter with a flourish and spinning to face her. My friend, dear lady, is the sort of fellow who is... well, let's just say, equally likely to charm you out of your coin or save your life in a pinch. Depending, of course, on the hour and his mood. Quite the character. Goes by the name of Jarek. Tallish. Handsome—though not as handsome as me, naturally. Fond of daggers and skulking about. Ringing any bells?

He leaned slightly closer, his expression conspiratorial, though his tone remained as irreverent as ever. Or perhaps you've heard whispers of a man fitting such a description meeting with some... ah, unfortunate circumstances? Because if so, I'd very much like to know if I should be offering condolences or vengeance. Both have their merits, you see.

His fingers fluttered in the air, as if weighing imaginary scales. Then he straightened abruptly, pointing a finger skyward. And, of course, if you’d rather not share such delicate information in public, I’m more than willing to accept it in exchange for, say... a second round of drinks?

His grin returned, roguish and entirely too self-satisfied, as if he had already won a game no one else was playing.

@Aelynthi Loraronna

Messages In This Thread
Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 11-18-2024, 11:15 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 01-04-2025, 08:52 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 01-21-2025, 07:56 AM
RE: Don't be a spoil sport - by Horus - 02-11-2025, 10:26 AM