A year later, and Esme was now more or less back where she started. Geographically speaking, anyway. She stood in the foyer of the old Clery manor’s front hall, turning slowly in place and wondering where all its people had gone. It seemed they had taken all their fine things with them. No one had lived here in all the time Esme had lived in Kirkwall, certainly not any Clerys. Yet that was a grander sounding statement than it was. They hadn’t been in Lowtown all that long.
The office of the viscount had turned the place over and given them the keys, so to speak – for as long as they worked this contract. Furnishings were minimal, but it was clean. No staff, at least not yet. A house this size would need at least a couple dedicated caretakers. She did not look forward to the hiring, the minor impossibility of satisfying all of the Salamanders and the viscount besides.
Esme left her things in the foyer and explored the first floor slowly, room by room. The prospect of so much space was exciting – and a little bittersweet. After living out of trunks and saddlebags, she hardly felt she owned enough things to fill a room.
But, oh, here she could have a proper workshop. That was better than feather beds and hot food for every meal. She simply needed to find the right room — one with good light and plenty of ventilation. Although, almost anything would be more suitable than working in the back of a wagon.
Hearing the main door open and close, Esme headed back to the foyer. The others were due to trickle in at any time, having traveled separately. She hoped to run into Horus before the others did. Esme hadn’t quite had the opportunity to properly introduce the eccentric shapeshifter mage, though she had sent letters explaining that he wished to join their company.
@Caro Byrne
@Ceren Brynmor
The office of the viscount had turned the place over and given them the keys, so to speak – for as long as they worked this contract. Furnishings were minimal, but it was clean. No staff, at least not yet. A house this size would need at least a couple dedicated caretakers. She did not look forward to the hiring, the minor impossibility of satisfying all of the Salamanders and the viscount besides.
Esme left her things in the foyer and explored the first floor slowly, room by room. The prospect of so much space was exciting – and a little bittersweet. After living out of trunks and saddlebags, she hardly felt she owned enough things to fill a room.
But, oh, here she could have a proper workshop. That was better than feather beds and hot food for every meal. She simply needed to find the right room — one with good light and plenty of ventilation. Although, almost anything would be more suitable than working in the back of a wagon.
Hearing the main door open and close, Esme headed back to the foyer. The others were due to trickle in at any time, having traveled separately. She hoped to run into Horus before the others did. Esme hadn’t quite had the opportunity to properly introduce the eccentric shapeshifter mage, though she had sent letters explaining that he wished to join their company.
@Caro Byrne
@Ceren Brynmor
01-06-2025, 11:13 AM