Kindred spirits, I like that, I feel that you are right in that,Lia wrapped her arms around her middle a little tighter, giving herself the hug she needed.
Oh the cookies are easy as can be, just butter, flower, sugar, and lavender buds freshly harvested from the garden and crushed in the sugar. I know some people put dried buds in, for color and a little pop of extra flavor, but I find crushing fresh buds in the sugar and then creaming the sugar into the butter, and then adding a bit of honey..She trailed off, and realized she had talked more than she had in several days, listening to Lyric closely, and watching the breeze and movement of the flowers -- Lyric must have some sort of magic with the plants, it would make sense.
Rightly so, I know that common sense tells us not to plant mint next to lavender, but I do so love to have some quite near it so that honey from the bees that visit the lavender have a tangy honey, and rosemary, rosemary is good to plant next to it, they both bloom around the same time and can get quite bushy and lovely. And roses..Lia closed her eyes and started mapping the garden in her mind, how she had imagined, so many times in the past, what she would eventually do to Malachai's garden if he let her,
So many roses, there are some varieties that do quite well with the same water requirements as lavender. See I have a very keen fixation on the plant, with it's little purple buds. One could even think it's my favorite, and they'd be right, but it's more about the honey that bees make off it. There are several different flowers to plant all together in the same area as a hive to produce some marvelous tasting honey, which compliments the tea, and then the cookies, and, oh.. tea would be quite good about now, don't you think?
Lyric's voice, and the cat, the call of Isenam from above, letting her know the griffon was nearby, all of it did good for her soul, to ease her down into a sense of peace that she hadn't really had at all since the world had gone black for her.
I can get it, just point me in a direction and I can fetch it, I used to be kitchen help a long time ago, and sometimes I miss the simplicity of..Not having to think, she almost said, but instead let a small smile cross her features.
Brewing a cup of tea, do you have a favorite?
@Lyric Oatshield
02-01-2025, 06:06 PM