So I Was Minding My Own Business...
Violence, Language
He noticed the stiff shoulder, and whistled, loudly, the mare starting to trot back over from where she had ended up after he had launched off her back. I got a potion you can take for that, no stitches needed. Standard kit too, so don't think about refusing. It would get restocked when he went to check in at one of the fortresses along the way, or the prison, he could always head down that way if needs be. And he usually was carrying three, so the loss of one wasn't a huge deal. Let's move away from this, they don't need to see intestines at their age. None of them have had border town pike training yet, have they? He asked, as the mare stopped at his side, and he went digging in his saddlebag for his med kit.

Dead is dead. Cassian murmured as he handed her the potion, and kicked the man near their feet, for good measure. Cali, I like it. Easy to remember and say in a variety of different situations. As for me, I'm hunting someone down, no one you need to worry about, and damn sure no slaver that will come after you the moment they get a chance. But, the way this outfit moved, I'm supposing there's going to be more from where they came from. Escaped slaves? He asked, the words feeling like ash on his tongue. Slavery was still legal in placed, and he detested it. Having grown up in the Free Marches, he had pretty much been assured his personal freedoms, that was, until he had accidentally killed someone. Then his life had belonged to the Wardens.

Still did. Just, he had a job to do in hunting Felix down and dragging him back. But, he was pretty sure he could catch back up to the man, and they were only about a day or two off Arthlan, I like thanks, that's always good. Makes me feel all special inside, in a not creepy old guy way. Hells that just sounds creepy saying it. Scratch that, you're heading for the forest aren't you? I guess I'm sticking around long enough to get you and them there. He squinted some as he took the mare's reigns in hand, and made to move after the kids, But you'll go back after you drop them off, won't you?

She seemed the type. Even under all the snark, she seemed the type, and the line about being a mouse, he had heard her tell a kid as he'd stabbed one of the slavers? Practiced. How many have you helped get out so far? He started walking in the direction the kids had gone off in, not waiting to see if she would follow, leading the horse along as he went.


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RE: So I Was Minding My Own Business... - by Cassian Maxwell - 02-01-2025, 10:36 PM