This Axe is Dull..
TBD as we get there
Kaczor's tongue swept across her teeth, pausing on the canines as she moved into the clearing, pressing her prey towards that stump her wife had kept showing her in the images, and the last tree standing in the area. It looked like a small war had been waged, all the more the forest fell silent after the destruction she had wrought on the land. Thankfully, it would grow back. Nothing Kaczor had damaged today was truly gone, in a year or two there would be new saplings and plants quickly trying to overtake the damage. That's how it was with a fire -- it cleared away the rot to allow new growth to take root.

The first punch had landed, square along her jaw, as Kaczor realized Ella planned on fighting, and she hesitated, a moment, mind at war that she shouldn't be turned on by the struggle, by the fight itself, from the act of hunting her wife. Shouldn't, but Ella had given her consent, and this obviously was doing things for the both of them, especially since she knew her wife would have just kicked her if she had overstepped bounds -- if not thrown her down on the ground and held a knife to her throat. Kaczor may have the advantage when it came to magic -- but as the woman stepped closer to her wife, and caught both of those wildly thrown hands, and wrenched them up above Ella's head, pulling the leather belt from her hips and using it to tie her wife's hands together -- she realized that her wife had every opportunity to kill her as close as they were.

Once Ella's hands were bound, she walked them both backwards towards the tree, and lifted her wife bodily so that the leather caught on an already cut knot on a more than thick enough branch, hanging her wife there, so that her toes were just barely touching the ground. Kaczor stepped back a little and checked on one of the bites on her hand, her kholed eyes sweeping over where one tooth had punctured skin, but nothing too terribly alarming, a spell murmured healed the puncture, before she sat down on the stump, and looked up at her wife, carefully unlacing the front of her winter trousers. Now that I've caught you, I'm going to show you exactly what you do to me, Ella.

She stepped over to the woman, working her wife's coat open, I think I'm going to make you watch while you hang here, unable to join, or do anything about it. So that this first rushed orgasm is over, and when I recover, I can truly take you for as long as I can. It was no secret, Kaczor was quick to finish on the first round of any of their love making, and she knew this about herself. And a promise was a promise, after all.

She wiggled her pants down, almost to her knees, as she finally sat back down on the stump, legs spread wide as she looked up to Ella's face, hand already moving down her abdomen, moving to make quick work of herself. What should I do to you first, hmm? Play with your body with my fingers until you're slick and ready for this? Her hand was in motion, skin over skin, her words nearly hissed in effort as her movements sped up. Or would you like me on my knees, your legs over my shoulders, my face buried between them, tongue lapping at you like I'm a woman dying of thirst, which, my love, I am. I very much am.

Kaczor's cheeks were flushed as her head fell back, hair wild from the hunt, as her hand worked faster. Or do I let you down, and plant you on my lap, let you ride me until we're both slick with sweat and unable to even touch one another without orgasaming? I like that one, maybe that can be later. She shifted, hips twitching, as she was nearly there. Tell me what you want Ella. One hand went back to the stump, to keep herself upright as her back arched, feet planted on the ground, mouth open as her eyes still held Ella's gaze.

@Novella Tilani

Messages In This Thread
This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-01-2025, 11:25 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 01-02-2025, 11:25 AM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-02-2025, 02:31 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 01-02-2025, 02:53 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-02-2025, 09:29 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 01-02-2025, 09:41 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-02-2025, 09:54 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 01-02-2025, 10:28 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-02-2025, 10:52 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 01-03-2025, 10:39 AM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 01-05-2025, 01:21 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-01-2025, 10:34 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-01-2025, 10:49 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-01-2025, 11:13 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-01-2025, 11:28 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-01-2025, 11:37 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-01-2025, 11:52 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-02-2025, 12:03 AM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-02-2025, 12:10 AM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-02-2025, 03:14 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-03-2025, 11:13 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-04-2025, 12:06 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 02-25-2025, 05:05 PM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Novella Tilani - 02-27-2025, 10:55 AM
RE: This Axe is Dull.. - by Kaczor Tilani - 03-02-2025, 12:38 AM