The Sun Will Rise and We'll Try Again
I will say, ham is better than nug. You remember that one trip where all we had was nug? Mariam shuddered as she remembered that job. It had been two weeks on the road, with only fresh and dried nug, and for the first couple days they had had bread, but that had gone quickly. But with the promise of something that hadn't been a ham at some point, she brightened some. I'll hold you to that Gabe, I've had a hankering for some mash and vegetables here the past few days. We don't eat nearly as much as we should on trips like this. And there's these little places with meat on sticks in Minrathous, in the parts of town we'd be more comfortable in.

If her information held true, which it usually did. She didn't play with her intel when it came to places to eat and get her bow's magic serviced. One of these days, I'm going to have to learn how to do this on my own, but for now I'll keep making my own arrows and trusting others to service her properly. And as the amount of people who knew how to service lyrium cored weapons were becoming fewer and fewer, she might actually end up having to do it all on her own anyway. But, one problem at a time.

You have any ideas on that trouble? There's a black market in there somewhere, dealing in art and magic items, that I know of, at least. A couple bars we could crawl our way through, but the place has been locked up so long that I'm not sure if I know anyone in there anymore or not. They locked it up tight for so long, that I feel almost like we're going into a vast unknown, that we should actually treat like a job as far as the chances we could get seriously injured. Probably less traps than we're used to, but a lot more of the stabbing types of dangers. She made a movement akin to someone driving a shiv into a side several times. It wasn't out of the question that one of both of them would have to dodge a blade or two during their stay. It was just the way there life was.

@Gabriel Poulin

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RE: The Sun Will Rise and We'll Try Again - by Mariam DeTyne - 02-09-2025, 02:37 PM