For Whom the Bell Tolls
Fear, Death, Grief, Mental Break Down
I left them, she breathed, the words feeling like glass in her mouth, the pain of the statement more than just mental anguish, it had slipped into physical pain that she had left so many people to probably die. She knew they were probably all dead, the logic in her mind knowing that there was no way for that many people to have escaped the city, especially with how quickly the blight had moved. But then the hunger and pain started to lift some, lessen, it allowed her to breathe easier, even as she started to feel the exhaustion of her flight start to take hold. He was right, she was safe, he was safety in this madness that was happening, and she realized belatedly, that she felt warm, her fingers going to grip the edge of the robe he had set about her.

The familiarity and the scent of him was enough to lull her into allowing him to handle her up onto the horse, in his arms.

The wolf had indeed, circled back around and gathered the woman's horse and the dropped book, driving them, and the still tailing griffon and cat following once the wolf had regained human form and used his magic to compel them to obey. Everything would be set for them, once they arrived to the village, a room already secured, a bath already drawn, and meal already delivered to the room. Eye's already signaled to send a carriage and appropriate clothing for the lady.

But Lia was aware of none of that.

All Lia was aware of was the warmth of his robe around her, the fabric draping around her as she settled into the saddle with him, head turning to rest on his shoulder, so she could close her eyes. The bells didn't ring when he was there. They weren't there in her mind even as her lips parted, in a relieved sigh, as his lips touched along the lobe of her ear. Another time, another circumstance, and she would have been begging him for that touch, for more touches. But there was too much exhaustion and sadness to think of anything really, except trying to stay awake long enough to be free of riding.

How did you find me? I'm assuming the birds were relaying messages.. Someone on his staff had to be adept in zomancy, she knew it, with as many cats as their Archon had, someone on his staff had to. She had read that some mages well enough versed could transfer their vision into another animal. She was fairly certain that's how that worked. If I fall asleep, you'll wake me, won't you? If something happens, you won't let me sleep through it? She was entirely certain that now he was there, that she would sleep through the end of the world if he allowed her to. She couldn't think about anything else. If she stopped to think about anything, she was going to drive herself back to the fear and upset and that wouldn't solve anything. All she needed right now was to get herself put back together properly and then she could take some time to be sad and upset, like when the attacks had happened all those years ago. She had taken a little while to be sad, only allowed herself so long, and then she stopped.

I'll be okay. You're here. I'll be fine. It was more for her, than him. Where are we heading?

@Malachai Valentius

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For Whom the Bell Tolls - by Ophelia Jolfy - 12-14-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: For Whom the Bell Tolls - by Ophelia Jolfy - 02-01-2025, 07:21 PM
RE: For Whom the Bell Tolls - by Ophelia Jolfy - 02-09-2025, 04:04 PM