Lyric gasped as if Ophelia had just suggested the most delightful and revolutionary idea in the history of ideas.
She spun on her heel, already half-skipping toward a winding pathway that led deeper into the garden.
Lyric turned back, bouncing on her toes like she could barely contain her excitement.
She paused, tilting her head as if listening to the whispering flowers.
Mango yawned luxuriously, completely indifferent to their grand tea mission. Lyric grinned, taking Ophelia’s hand for just a brief moment, giving it a light, warm squeeze before releasing it.
@Ophelia Jolfy
Tea! Oh, that is *exactly* what we need right now! It’s like you plucked the thought straight from the garden air!She clapped her hands together, eyes sparkling.
And the way you talk about honey and lavender—Ophelia, I think you might be a flower spirit in disguise. If I start seeing bees following you around like little devoted courtiers, I won’t even be surprised!
She spun on her heel, already half-skipping toward a winding pathway that led deeper into the garden.
Come, come! I know just the place! There’s a little nook where I like to keep the tea things, and—oh!—I have some honey from the estate hives. Not lavender honey, unfortunately, but the bees have been busy with the orange blossoms and clover, so it’s still lovely and sweet.
Lyric turned back, bouncing on her toes like she could barely contain her excitement.
As for my favorite tea—oh, that’s like asking me to pick a favorite star! But if I *must* choose, I do love a floral blend. Something with jasmine or chamomile, maybe a hint of citrus! Or—oh!—we could mix something special! A garden blend, just for today.
She paused, tilting her head as if listening to the whispering flowers.
And I do believe the garden agrees with this plan.
Mango yawned luxuriously, completely indifferent to their grand tea mission. Lyric grinned, taking Ophelia’s hand for just a brief moment, giving it a light, warm squeeze before releasing it.
Come along, flower spirit! Let’s make some magic in a teacup.
@Ophelia Jolfy
02-12-2025, 07:31 AM