'Cause We're Not So Starry-Eyed Anymore
There were few things worse than waiting. Especially at a time like this, with the dull roar of merriment downstairs tempting her to go and see. She’d spied on the Blind Eye for many nights – but what if it was different this time? What seemed like a bunch of frightening noise to a bird might become quite intoxicating to a woman’s senses. There had to be a reason people came here. And then there was the desk itself. Tidy on initial inspection, but who could guess what secrets were filed away out of sight? Isabeau kept her gloved hands to herself, steepled in her lap.

She was almost dozing by the time Lord Pavus made his appearance, lifting her head and blinking at him. The air was briefly charged with magic, enough to raise goosebumps – but he appeared to change his mind about attacking her. Isabeau merely cocked her head, wondering at that. Weighing judgement, unable to arrive at a satisfying answer. He was simply too much a stranger.

Was he the sort of man to dismiss a threat merely because it was female? In any case, she was glad it wouldn’t be a fight. That would be terribly inauspicious for what she had in mind, going forward.

“Perhaps.” Isabeau stood and rounded the desk, so that she could study Lord Pavus in greater detail. In fact, she walked a slow orbit around him, as though judging a new dracolisk for her stable. He seemed as finely put together as the gossip mongers would imply, though she remained skeptical. There had to be a reason he remained unmarried – and she doubted the stain on House Pavus’ name was the whole of the story. Finally, coming to stand in front of him, Isabeau offered her hand. Whether to shake or to kiss, she gave no indication.

He did not recognize her, which was slightly vexing. Izzy wasn’t used to introducing herself, except to excitable fourteen year old students.

“Isabeau of House Icarius. I think we could be useful to each other, Lord Pavus.”

@Enzo Pavus

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RE: 'Cause We're Not So Starry-Eyed Anymore - by Isabeau Icarius - 02-23-2025, 12:43 PM