'Cause We're Not So Starry-Eyed Anymore
Ah. It was slightly disappointing to not have a definite answer right away. But, Isabeau was used to that if she were being honest with herself. Few people made decisions as quickly as she did, bright leaps of logic that seemed so obvious to her – and only her. Pressing people on the subject never ended well. So she merely met Lord Pavus’ gaze and nodded, passing off her teacup to his outstretched hand.

“Very well. You may write to me here.” Izzy withdrew a slim envelope from her cloak’s inner pocket and deposited it upon the desk. It was not unusual for her to receive correspondence at the Circle, from academic peers and students past, present, and presumptive. As long as he wasn’t foolish enough to send perfumed love letters, anything else should pass without remark.

“I will be waiting.” She spent a moment at the window, watching the plaza below. The streets here never truly emptied – but there was little reason for anyone to be watching this window in particular. Unlatching the window, Isabeau drew her cloak tight around her shoulders and resumed her bird form, diving back out into the late winter night.

@Enzo Pavus

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RE: 'Cause We're Not So Starry-Eyed Anymore - by Isabeau Icarius - 02-27-2025, 01:06 PM