24 hours
Rosalie nodded “My coworkers are already treating your companions so I am going to help you okay? Lay down while I asses your wounds” they were quite obvious but she wanted to do her job properly, which involved a good exploration. In the end the only wounds were the ones that were obvious to the sight, so she started to clean stitch and bandage those. Her hand was shaking a little as she stitched “The healers are trying to save them but I can’t heal so stitches will have to do, sorry” said Rosalie as she looked down with a sad expression “I will try to do them as clean as I can but it will probably scar” said Rosalie shyly.

All the wounds were treated and stitched, and another hour had passed; was now she closer to 30 slepless hours? She felt sick, feverish as she tried to stand up after her job was done. Rosalie walked two steps before tripping with something, a bottle that someone had discarded on the ground.

After falling she looked at the healers; one of the wardens had survived and the other had not. The healer was doing his best but she could tell the signs of death, the lack of breathing and the distinct pallor

And the blood, the blood everywhere. Black charcoal blood, cursed blood
Tainted blood

“Too late, check vital signs before using more magic” she mumbled, sounding feverish.

Messages In This Thread
24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 10-15-2022, 04:23 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 10-21-2022, 12:11 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 10-31-2022, 05:31 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 11-07-2022, 07:58 AM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 11-07-2022, 10:51 AM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 11-11-2022, 10:59 AM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 11-26-2022, 02:18 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 12-13-2022, 03:10 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 12-24-2022, 12:55 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 01-29-2023, 10:59 AM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 02-11-2023, 03:04 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 03-01-2023, 02:45 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 03-04-2023, 02:29 PM
RE: 24 hours - by Vincent Valathrian - 03-18-2023, 11:29 AM
RE: 24 hours - by Rosalie Rutherford - 03-31-2023, 02:04 PM