Asha blushed at the idea of riding a griffin with a boy she'd just met, it sounded positively crazy, not just because she had just met him but because she'd never ridden a griffin with anybody except Auntie Lana or Nate. She looked around, it wasn't really a good idea, even though no one had walked by them yet, didn't mean the area was quiet enough to be able to slip into the griffin paddock, saddle a griffin and then fly it. Not to mention it was kinda rude to ride someone else's griffin without their permission. Not that she would get permission, as she wasn't old enough yet. The more she thought about it, she went over in her head what her dad would do, what her mom would do, what Auntie Lana would do. She sighed disappointingly.
As amazing as that sounds, and honestly I'm not normally a goody good, it's just I know and respect the people who are responsible for these griffins. Not to mention it's amazing someone hasn't walked by yet, it's honestly not usually this quiet, we'd really be lucky to get the saddle on without someone noticing.There was also the fact that she technically didn't know this boy and though he seemed honest enough, she couldn't discount the idea that he was actually wanting to steal a griffin, which would definitely make Auntie Lana unhappy.
11-12-2022, 05:23 AM