The Ferelden Palace is bustling with the arrival of His Royal Highness' betrothed, the young Liege, Franziska Campana. The palace gates are open, with magical balls of light illuminating any and all dark corners, guiding those from Denerim's busy center towards the festivities of the King. Merchants peddling wares are along the main path to the palace, merchants from all over Thedas have been given permits to sell during these festivities.
Circus-folk, acrobats, and more have been set up in various sections along the road to the palace, and more are to be found in the courtyard, where the main festival is being held. Fire-breathers, animal-tamers, anyone with a talent or a trick can be seen today. Why not let your coin purse out a bit, hm? Surely, you've the money to spare in celebration of the King's upcoming marriage nuptials. In times as dire as these, with strange things happening in every corner and a Blight on the doorstep of the nation, sometimes good fun is the best medicine to rally morale.
And remind people that peace does in fact exist, and that the nations of Thedas should band together against the Blights, rather than war amongst each other.
The invitations for this event indicated that everyone across the nation is welcome, regardless of their choice in clothing, their criminal status outside of Ferelden, or their status as a mage (or not). Byron's proving to be a progressive King, and not everyone likes that.
Rumors Floating About the Event:
Feel free to use these rumors as things your characters are talking about, have heard, or are saying. c: But be careful, you never know who's listening!
- It is rumored that Princess Franziska of Antiva had been a fugitive with her family, who have not been seen in the Antivan Palace in quite some time.
- It is rumored that Princess Franziska is actually an assassin. The Crows, you know, they run Antiva and use the royals as figureheads, surely the royals are in on those dealings...?
- It is rumored that King Byron is a werewolf, and strong-handed the throne away from any rightful heir that was nearer to succession than he.
OOC NOTE: This event was suggested by Drake, and would usually be posted from the King of Ferelden's account—however, since this is our first time posting an event on the site, we wanted to make sure to give everyone an example of what we're expecting of member-led events (because we do want consistency to this). To avoid overwriting the introduction of the event, we've left it vague. Feel free to assume the types of performers, thieves, so on that have shown up to this very open festival to celebrate the King's betrothal.
07-11-2022, 06:25 PM