The Huntress listened, nodding slightly. It seemed some elves were not so impractical as humans - shemlen as she'd since learned they were called. Bas to her, and far more to her preference. She let out a curt laugh.
Soon enough, Vela began to answer the question posed about the Fallow Mire. It certainly sounded unpleasant. The initial description, though, jogged distant memories of Seheron. Her mouth opened and closed a couple times. She'd not had anything pry open her memory in quite some time. And so simple a thing to do it, too.
She suddenly realized she'd gone quiet, not processing that Vela had asked a question.
Perhaps not all elves are bas after all.
Soon enough, Vela began to answer the question posed about the Fallow Mire. It certainly sounded unpleasant. The initial description, though, jogged distant memories of Seheron. Her mouth opened and closed a couple times. She'd not had anything pry open her memory in quite some time. And so simple a thing to do it, too.
She suddenly realized she'd gone quiet, not processing that Vela had asked a question.
I...She shook her head, pressing one hand to her temple.
Shok ebasit hissra. Shok ebasit hissra. Shok ebasit hissra.The Huntress muttered her repeated words. Struggle is an illusion. The opening of a prayer she knew well. One more breath and she turned back to Vela.
Latost,she requested, then paused. Taking a moment to translate in her head, she tried again:
Repeat... please.She'd missed what Vela had said... asked?
12-03-2022, 11:08 PM