Vela did not judge The Huntress for her small lapse, and of that, she felt a small swell of emotion. Pleased, grateful. But also some shame. She should be called out for such a thing. Reminded of her place and where she was. Somewhere like this, one slip like this could leave her missing terrible trouble.
Blessedly, there was none. Rather, Vela had asked her question again, and the world carried on around them as if nothing were wrong.
Seheron or Par Vollen, she did miss them. A part of her would always miss them. The south was not her homeland. Even before her re-education, she'd been born and raised in Seheron. A Fog Warrior, she'd since learned.
Blessedly, there was none. Rather, Vela had asked her question again, and the world carried on around them as if nothing were wrong.
Par Vollen.Her answer was swift, and without hesitation.
I went only once,she added after a pause.
And it is impossible to see again. I stripped myself of that right.It stung slightly, but even the one time she went was a rarity.
As I was Antaam, I'd no need to be in our greatest city. My purpose lay in Seheron.She'd added, in case the question arose as to why she only visited one time. And that it was not only because she was Tal-Vashoth could she not return.
Seheron or Par Vollen, she did miss them. A part of her would always miss them. The south was not her homeland. Even before her re-education, she'd been born and raised in Seheron. A Fog Warrior, she'd since learned.
Perhaps when we return to Arlathan, I can tell you more. I fear further distraction should I get lost again and I cannot allow that weakness.
03-15-2023, 04:04 PM