Appetite for Destruction
As the music changed, Magnus's attention snapped into focus.  The violinist had changed it, had approached her, was dancing with her.  The violinist.  

Magnus spent years studying the man, memorizing his cadence and dissecting each move,  learning to recognize his mannerisms independent of context.  There were differences, of course - things that shouldn't have changed, but had.  Just...not enough differences.  Not enough to prevent the certainty that crashed down around him and shattered the optimism he had just felt.  

With the break in the music, Magnus was able to easily maneuver so he was near enough to hear the exchange without bringing attention to himself.  He had to know if this was the moment he'd been praying would not come.  At least...not yet.  

As afraid as he was, suddenly he could only think of Lara.  His heart ached as he thought about the guilt and relief she must be feeling.  But...she wasn't feeling those things.  He watched her movements, reading the emotions she'd always been an expert at hiding.  He could see that she felt that something was wrong, but the truth hadn't yet become so undeniable that she had to face it.

Why now?  Why couldn't they have had a few more days?  It didn't really matter, but Magnus still mourned the time they could have had.  

It was gone now. Now the only thing he could do was to help Eularia, to be whatever she needed him to be.  

He shifted position, close enough to intervene depending on what happened.  He also steeled himself, reading his magic in case the reactions of reunited lovers were not fit to be shared with the people surrounding them.  

Magnus didn't know what was about to happen, but he did his best to be ready for it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Appetite for Destruction - by Magnus Rhysand - 03-25-2023, 10:06 PM
RE: Appetite for Destruction - by Magnus Rhysand - 03-28-2023, 02:55 PM
RE: Appetite for Destruction - by Magnus Rhysand - 04-03-2023, 05:57 PM
RE: Appetite for Destruction - by Magnus Rhysand - 04-06-2023, 01:39 PM